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Dimitri Gielis committed Oct 12, 2012
1 parent 1decbf2 commit 733378f
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@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@

Oracle Application Express (APEX) integration with Oracle Social Network (OSN)
Oracle Application Express (APEX) integration with Oracle Social Network (OSN).

PL/SQL Package that shows how to use the build-in APEX package apex_web_service to
make requests to OSN.

Initial creation by Dimitri Gielis on 2-OCT-2012.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions osn_pkg.pkb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
create or replace package body osn_pkg as

-- Constants
c_wallet_path constant varchar2(100) := 'file:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/wallets/osn';
c_wallet_pwd constant varchar2(50) := 'WALLET PASSWORD';
c_http_method constant varchar2(5) := 'POST';

procedure set_header (p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2)
l_empty_headers apex_web_service.header_table;
apex_web_service.g_request_headers := l_empty_headers;
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).name := 'User-Agent';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).value := 'Mozilla/4.0';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).name := 'Content-Type';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).value := 'application/json;charset=UTF-8';
if p_cookie is not null
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(3).name := 'Cookie';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(3).value := p_cookie;
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(4).name := 'X-Waggle-RandomID';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(4).value := p_randomid;
end if;
end set_header;

procedure connection (p_username in varchar2,
p_password in varchar2,
p_cookie out varchar2,
p_randomid out varchar2)
l_url varchar2(100);
l_body varchar2(32767);
l_resp varchar2(32767);
i number;
l_randomid varchar2(32767);
-- do request
l_url := '';
l_body := '{"name":"' || p_username || '", "password":"' || p_password || '"}';
l_resp := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url => l_url,
p_http_method => c_http_method,
p_wallet_path => c_wallet_path,
p_wallet_pwd => c_wallet_pwd,
p_body => l_body
-- parse response and set out parameters
for i in 1.. apex_web_service.g_headers.count loop
if apex_web_service.g_headers(i).name like '%Set-Cookie%'
p_cookie := apex_web_service.g_headers(i).value;
end if;
end loop;
l_randomid := SUBSTR(l_resp, INSTR(l_resp, '"apiRandomID" : "')+17);
p_randomid := SUBSTR(l_randomid, 1, INSTR(l_randomid, '"')-1);
end connection;

procedure conversation (p_conversation in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2,
p_conversationid out number,
p_folderid out number)
l_url varchar2(100);
l_body varchar2(32767);
l_resp varchar2(32767);
l_conversationid varchar2(32767);
l_folderid varchar2(32767);
l_url := '';
l_body := '{"name":"'|| p_conversation || '"}';
l_resp := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url => l_url,
p_http_method => c_http_method,
p_wallet_path => c_wallet_path,
p_wallet_pwd => c_wallet_pwd,
p_body => l_body
l_conversationid := SUBSTR(l_resp, INSTR(l_resp, '"id" : "')+8);
p_conversationid := SUBSTR(l_conversationid, 1, INSTR(l_conversationid, '"')-1);
l_folderid := SUBSTR(l_resp, INSTR(l_resp, '"folderID" : "')+14);
p_folderid := SUBSTR(l_folderid, 1, INSTR(l_folderid, '"')-1);
end conversation;

procedure message (p_conversationid in number,
p_message in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2)
l_url varchar2(100);
l_body varchar2(32767);
l_resp varchar2(32767);
l_url := '' || p_conversationid || '/messages';
l_body := '{"externalID":"", "message":"'|| p_message || '"}';
l_resp := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url => l_url,
p_http_method => c_http_method,
p_wallet_path => c_wallet_path,
p_wallet_pwd => c_wallet_pwd,
p_body => l_body
end message;

procedure document (p_folderid in number,
p_name in varchar2,
p_document in blob,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2)
l_url varchar2(100);
l_resp varchar2(32767);
l_url := '' || to_char(p_folderid) || '/' || p_name;
l_resp := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url => l_url,
p_http_method => c_http_method,
p_wallet_path => c_wallet_path,
p_wallet_pwd => c_wallet_pwd,
p_body_blob => p_document
end document;

procedure member (p_conversationid in number,
p_member in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2)
l_url varchar2(100);
l_body varchar2(32767);
l_resp varchar2(32767);
l_url := '' || to_char(p_conversationid) || '/members';
l_body := '{"member":"'|| p_member || '"}';
l_resp := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
p_url => l_url,
p_http_method => c_http_method,
p_wallet_path => c_wallet_path,
p_wallet_pwd => c_wallet_pwd,
p_body => l_body
end member;

-- procedure called from within the APEX application
procedure submit_osn (p_comment in varchar2,
p_type in varchar2,
p_file_id in varchar2)
l_username varchar2(200) := 'YOUR USERNAME';
l_password varchar2(200) := 'YOUR PASSWORD';
l_member varchar2(500) := 'OTHER PEOPLE';
l_cookie varchar2(200);
l_randomid varchar2(200);
l_blob blob;
l_name varchar2(500);
l_conversationid number;
l_folderid number;
connection(p_username => l_username,
p_password => l_password,
p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid);

set_header (p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid);

conversation(p_conversation => p_type || ': ' || to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid,
p_conversationid => l_conversationid,
p_folderid => l_folderid);

member(p_conversationid => l_conversationid,
p_member => l_member,
p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid);

message(p_conversationid => l_conversationid,
p_message => p_comment,
p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid);

/* -- used to illustrate with the sample app blobs/images
select filename, product_image
into l_name, l_blob
from demo_product_info
where product_id = to_number(p_file_id);
select file_name, file_blob
into l_name, l_blob
from tfile
where file_id = to_number(p_file_id);

document(p_folderid => l_folderid,
p_name => l_name,
p_document => l_blob,
p_cookie => l_cookie,
p_randomid => l_randomid);
when no_data_found
-- no document added to message, so nothing to do
end submit_osn;

end osn_pkg;
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions osn_pkg.pks
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
create or replace package osn_pkg as

Package to integrate APEX with OSN
APEX: Oracle Application Express
OSN: Oracle Social Network
Created by: Dimitri Gielis
Created date: 2-OCT-2012

procedure set_header (p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2);

procedure connection (p_username in varchar2,
p_password in varchar2,
p_cookie out varchar2,
p_randomid out varchar2);

procedure conversation (p_conversation in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2,
p_conversationid out number,
p_folderid out number);

procedure message (p_conversationid in number,
p_message in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2);

procedure document (p_folderid in number,
p_name in varchar2,
p_document in blob,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2);

procedure member (p_conversationid in number,
p_member in varchar2,
p_cookie in varchar2,
p_randomid in varchar2);

-- procedure called from within the APEX application
procedure submit_osn (p_comment in varchar2,
p_type in varchar2,
p_file_id in varchar2);

end osn_pkg;

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