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Poker Planner for Slack

This project lets you make estimations with planning poker technique (or scrum poker) directly in Slack, without any need of external software. It can be a useful tool for agile remote teams.

Slack App Directory:


Installation & Add to your Slack Team


For detailed usage documentation, please visit website.


If you want to host your own app, follow this steps:

Creating Slack App & Getting Credentials

  • Create a new Slack app from here.
  • Interactivity & Shortcuts
    • Turn on "Interactivity"
    • Set request url: http://my.awesome.project.url/slack/interactivity
  • Slash Commands
    • Create a new command /pp (or any command you want) and set request url as http://my.awesome.project.url/slack/pp-slash-command
    • Make sure that "Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app" option is turned on
  • OAuth & Permissions
    • Add a new OAuth Redirect URL: http://my.awesome.project.url/oauth
    • Required bot permission scopes: commands, chat:write
    • Required user permission scopes: None
  • User ID Translation
    • Turn off "Translate Global IDs"
  • Tokens
    • Client ID, Secret and Verification token can be found on Basic Information page
  • Installation
    • Go to Manage Distribution, click "Add to Slack" and grant permissions

Running via Docker

  • Clone the repo & cd into it
  • Build docker image: docker build -t dgurkaynak/slack-poker-planner .
  • Start container:
docker run -d \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -e SLACK_CLIENT_ID=xxx \
  -e SLACK_APP_ID=xxx \
  -e DATA_FOLDER=/data \
  -v /host/data/folder/slack-poker-planner:/data \
  --name slack-poker-planner \
  • (optional) If you wanna persist poker sessions, you can provide a Redis server.
docker run -d \
  --restart=unless-stopped \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -e SLACK_CLIENT_ID=xxx \
  -e SLACK_APP_ID=xxx \
  -e DATA_FOLDER=/data \
  -v /host/data/folder/slack-poker-planner:/data \
  -e USE_REDIS=true \
  -e REDIS_URL="redis://X.X.X.X:6379" \
  --name slack-poker-planner \

Check out .env file for the complete list of environment variables.

Running Manually

Node.js requirement >= 16.17.0

  • Clone this repo
  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Build: npm run build
  • Start the app: npm start