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An example Flutter project that uses Riverpod, go_router, Hive, flutter_hooks, and Freezed.

⚠ Important Notes

This project uses DummyJSON API. Please note that DummyJSON doesn't apply your changes when creating, updating, or deleting items. This project correctly implements those actions, but expect no data changes due to these API limitations.

You can run the app with --dart-define=MOCK_API=true flag to use the internal mocked API that mimics the original API behavior and does modify your changes in a session. If you're using VSCode, you can instead run the app with the "dummymart (mock API)" configuration.


Each feature demonstrates certain functionalities that are commonly used in a CRUD app.

  1. Products: Basic "view all items" and "view item details" functionalities. Also implements "pull-to-refresh" mechanism.
  2. Todos: Full CRUD operations, including "add item", "edit item", and "delete item".
  3. Posts: More advanced read operations such as "search as we type (with debounce)" and "infinite scrolling".
  4. Auth: Managing auth states, allowing functionalities such as "invalidate all data when logging out" and "redirect screens based on the auth state".


Full paths for routes:
  => /
  => /login
  => /products
  =>   /products/:id
  => /todos
  =>   /todos/add
  =>   /todos/:id
  =>     /todos/:id/update
  => /posts
  =>   /posts/:id
  => /profile


  1. Run flutter pub get to get dependencies.
  2. Run dart run build_runner build to generate required files. You can also run dart run build_runner watch to generate files and let build_runner watch for changes and rebuild if necessary.
  3. (Optional) Run dart run husky install to setup git hooks on your machine.


Use these credentials to login:

username: kminchelle
password: 0lelplR
username: kmeus4
password: aUTdmmmbH
username: umcgourty9
password: i0xzpX

Or you can use any user credentials from here:


View all todos View a single todo Add todo Update todo
Login Profile Infinite scrolling Search post