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This repository contains the annotated datasets of the papers:

  1. Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Acceptability Judgments with the Italian CoLA corpus.
    In Findings of EMNLP 2021. Daniela Trotta, Raffaele Guarasci, Elisa Leonardelli, Sara Tonelli.

[cite] [read the paper]

  1. Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game In Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference In LREC 2022. ELRA, 2022. Federico Bonetti, Elisa Leonardelli, Daniela Trotta, Raffaele Guarasci, Sara Tonelli.

[cite] [read the paper] [try the game here] (clic on "DEMO" when prompt for login)

1. Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Acceptability Judgments with the Italian CoLA corpus


The Italian Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability includes almost 10k sentences taken from linguistic literature with a binary annotation made by the original authors themselves. The work is inspired by CoLA1.


Read the paper at


Download ItaCola from this ItaCoLA_dataset.tsv

Data Format

ItaCola is split into:

  • train: 7801 sentences
  • dev: 946 sentences
  • test: 975 sentences

Each line in the .tsv files consists of 5 tab-separated columns.

  • Column 1: an unique ID
  • Column 2: the source of the sentence
  • Column 3: the acceptability judgment label (0=unacceptable, 1=acceptable)
  • Column 4: the sentence
  • Column 5: the split to which the sentence belongs

Corpus Sample

UniqueID Source Judgement Sentence Split
3 Graffi_1994 1 Questa donna mi ha colpito. (That women impressed me) train
5784 Vietri_2017 1 Alice ha fatto terrorizzare Francesco da quell'uomo. (Alice made Francesco terrified of the man.) train
8307 Vietri_2004 0 Quell'architetto ha alcuni progettato musei. (That architect has some designed museums.) dev
9206 Elia-et-al_1981 0 Il ministro è dal ritiro del passaporto. (The minister is from passport withdrawal) test
9366 Vietri_2004 1 Edoardo ne ride. (Edward laughs about it) test


Sources come from different sources extracted from the linguistic literature, covering a wide range of topics.

Source Legend Topic
D-Agostino_19832 locative constructions
D-Agostino_19923 discourse analysis
Elia-et-al_19814 lexicon and syntactic structures
Elia_19825 locative adverbs and idioms
Graffi-Scalise_20026 theoretical linguistics
Graffi_19947 syntax
Graffi_20088 generative grammar
Jezek_20039 verb classification
Simone-Masini_201310 theoretical linguistics
Vietri_198511 idiomatic expressions
Vietri_200412 lexicon-grammar approach
Vietri_201713 anticausative sentences


Part of the dataset has been manually annotated with 9 linguistic phenomena.

Cleft constructions
Copular constructions
Subject-Verb Agreement
Wh-islands violations
Indefinite pronouns

File containing annotated sentences can be downloaded from this ItaCoLA_dataset_phenomenon. Every annotated sentence in this file is linked to main one through the unique id. The .tsv file has a structure similar to the main corpus, but each phenomenon is represented in a column (1 if present, 0 if not present).


Trotta D., Guarasci R., Leonardelli E., Tonelli S. Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Acceptability Judgments with the Italian CoLA corpus. In Findings of EMNLP 2021.

2. Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game


ItaCoLA_dataset_non-expertannotations is a subset of about 1,000 sentenceces from the ItaCoLA dataset. Those sentences have been ri-annotated for acceptability by non experts annotators (i.e. non linguists) by using a 3D video game.


Download ItaCola-nonexpert dataset from this ItaCoLA_dataset_non-expertannotations.tsv

Data Format

ItaCola-nonexpert consists of 1062 sentences. Each line in the .tsv files consists of 7 tab-separated columns.

  • Column 1 UniqueIndexID_ItaCoLA: an unique ID that links to (ItaCoLA)
  • Column 2 Sentence: the sentence
  • Column 3 ExpertAcceptability: the acceptability judgment label from the original ItaCoLA (0=unacceptable, 1=acceptable)
  • Column 4 PlayersAcceptability: the acceptability judgment label from the non-experts annotators, based on majority voting (0=unacceptable, 1=acceptable)
  • Column 5 NumAnnotations: total number of non-expert annotations collected
  • Column 6 DisaggragatedAnnotations: non-expert indivdual annotations
  • Column 7 PlayersID: anonymized non-expert identifier. Order of the identifiers reflect annotations given in the DisaggragatedAnnotations

Corpus Sample

ItaCoLA Sentence ExpertAcc. PlayersAcc. NumAnn Disaggragated PlayersID
8897 È arrivato tuo padre? 1 1 4 1,1,1,1 vj6buGww,HQ8yy7gw,OeynLncz,C62PYy1K
4042 Alice smette del pasto. 0 0 2 0,0 vj6buGww,HQ8yy7gw

The 3d video game

Discover more about the videogame here

You can also try the game here [try the game] (click on "DEMO" when prompt for login)


Bonetti F., Leonardelli E., Trotta D., Guarasci R., Tonelli S. Work Hard, Play Hard: Collecting Acceptability Annotations through a 3D Game. In Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022). ELRA, 2022.


  1. Alex Warstadt, Amanpreet Singh, Samuel R. Bowman; Neural Network Acceptability Judgments. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2019; 7 625–641.
  2. Emilio D’Agostino. 1983. Lessico e sintassi dellecostruzioni locative: materiali per la didattica dell’italiano. Liguori.
  3. Emilio D’Agostino. 1992. Analisi del discorso: metodi descrittivi dell’italiano d’uso. Loffredo.
  4. Annibale Elia, Maurizio Martinelli, and Emilio d’Agostino. 1981. Lessico e strutture sintattiche: introduzione alla sintassi del verbo italiano. Liguori Napoli.
  5. Annibale Elia. 1982. Avverbi ed espressioni idiomatiche di carattere locativo. Studi di Grammatica Italiana Firenze, 11:327–379.
  6. Giorgio Graffi and Sergio Scalise. 2002. Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy.
  7. Giorgio Graffi. 1994. Le strutture del linguaggio. Sintassi. Il Mulino, Bologna, Italy.
  8. Giorgio Graffi. 2008. Che cos’è la grammatica generativa. Carocci editore, Roma, Italy
  9. Elisabetta Jezek. 2003. Classi di verbi tra semantica e sintassi. Edizioni ETS, Pisa, Italy.
  10. Raffaele Simone and Francesca Masini. 2013. Nuovi fondamenti di linguistica. McGraw Hill.
  11. Simonetta Vietri. 2004. Lessico-grammatica dell’italiano. Metodi, descrizioni e applicazioni. UTET Università.
  12. Simonetta Vietri. 2014. Idiomatic constructions in Italian: a lexicon-grammar approach, volume 31. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  13. Simonetta Vietri. 2017. Usi verbali dell’italiano: le frasi anticausative. Carocci editore.


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