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DHMx Software Suite

The Digital Holographic Microscope Experience (DHMx) Suite is composed of the following software applications:

  • camserver - Camera interface server software
  • dhmsw - Off-axis hologram reconstruction software
  • dhm_gui - GUIs for the the camserver and dhmsw

DHMx Software Suite Applications

Operating System Requirement

  • Ubuntu 16.04 or greater; 64-bit
    • The software was designed for Linux system particularity Ubuntu.
    • Tested also on Redhat 7 Linux

Minimum System Requirements

Testing has been successful on a system with the following requirements

  • Processor
    • Tested on 3.7GHz, 8MB Cache, 4-core system
  • RAM Memory
    • 16GB minimum but 32GB or greater recommended
  • Hard Disk
    • 4GB minimum
  • Other Hardware
    • For GigE Cameras. Network card recommended by the Allied vision or one that supports jumbo packets of 9000 bytes or more, 1Gbps bandwidth.
      • Configure Netword card per Allied Vision recommendations for optimal performance
      • See camserver for instructions to configure network card to read one or more cameras.
    • USB3 and/or USB-C Ports
      • Best for USB to Ethernet adapters

Installation Instruction

To setup the environment, install drivers, and install all components of the DHMx software, run the following:

sudo ./ -all

To setup only the DHMx without the camera drivers, run the following:

sudo ./ -dhmx

This install script has options in case you want to do a step at a time.

usage: [options]

where options are as follows:
-all Setup environment, install drivers, and install suite software
-dhmx Setup environment, install shampoo-lite, dhmsw, and dhm_gui (all except camserver and drivers) -verbose Display instruction verbose to standard out
-env Environment setup
-drivers Install external drivers required.
-shampoo Install Shampoo python module
-camserver Install camera server application software. Add '-drivers' if you don't have the drivers.
-dhmsw Install DHM softwares python module
-dhm_gui Install DHM GUI and necessary packages

any of the above options may be combined with any other

  • Installation location
    • Install script will copy contents of this repo into /opt/DHM/
  • Driver install location
    • The Vimba driver is instaled in /opt/


The DHM Suite applications can be used in different ways, but here are the most common uses:

Dhmx Uses A and B

  • Use 1: The top images shows a uses case where all you want to do is view and control the camera, and record images to disk. This can be accomplish with just the 'camserver' and the 'dhm_gui/' GUI.
  • Use 2: The bottom image shows a use case where you want to view and reconstruct images already stored in the file system. This can be accomplished with the 'dhmsw' and the 'dhm_gui/' GUI

Dhmx Uses C

  • Use 3: If user want to reconstruct images from a live feed from the camera, then the 'camserver', 'dhmsw', and 'dhm_gui/' applications are required.