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Grasp the grasp out of your Twitch chat!

This web application helps grasping the most relevant information out of a Twitch chat and is especially useful for mid to large sized chats. This application is an ongoing project, a perpetual beta. You can accompany the development of this tool on the dialogikTV Twitch channel.

grasp Screenshot


  • Automatic relevance detection
    • Broadcaster @mentions
    • First two messages of each chat user (you don't want to miss new chatters!)
    • Greeting formulas like "good morning", "good evening" etc.
    • Shorties like "hi", "hey" or "hello"
    • Messages from roles like Mods, Subs oder VIPs
  • Message picking (add/remove to pick list)
  • Mark messages as read/unread using Left click – so you know which messages you've already seen/responded to etc.
  • Userlist with chat message count
  • Search messages by username (Ctrl+Left click on the search input field to clear user search)
  • Multi language support (DE/EN/FR/ES/IT)

Basic concept

You can manage your (or any) Twitch chat messages in three columns:

1. Chat (left)

All chat messages (currently limited to youngest 100 messages for performance reasons, we'll experiment and develop this).

2. Grasp (center)

The above mentioned automatically detected and grasped messages. These can be filtered (using checkboxes or keyboard shortcuts).

3. Picks (right)

  • Any message you Alt + Left click from the Chat or the Grasp column will be added to a picks list.
  • Messages can be removed from the list using Ctrl + Left click.

Use grasp for your own channel

Simply pass channel=<your_channel> (without < and >) to the URL, e.g. and you're ready to go!

Multi language support

This application currently supports multiple languages for the shorty and haystack/needle relevance concept (see above). Language data is being organized in dialogik-tv/grasp-lang, you can help improving your desired language pack by contributing to that repository.

The following languages are currently supported:

  • de – German
  • en – English
  • fr – French
  • es – Spanish
  • it – Italian
  • pl – Polish

Language(s) can be set by passing &lang=<lang1|lang2|...>. So the URL for the dialogikTV channel using (a) only French (fr) or (b) Spanish and Italian (es|it) would be


If no lang parameter is passed, de is the default lanuage pack.

Keyboard shortcuts

Toggle filter settings

  • Ctrl+M – Toggle mods
  • Ctrl+S – Toggle subs
  • Ctrl+V – Toggle VIPs
  • M – Toggle @mentions
  • Ctrl+H – Toggle haystack needles
  • H – Toggle shorties (h because they're small haystack needles...)

Toggle chat/userlist visibility

  • C – Toggle main chat visibility
  • U – Toggle userlist visibility


This is a dialogikTV project. You can contact the author of this project via Twitter (@dialogikTV), Discord or on the Twitch live channel.


See our contribution guide if you want to contribute to this project.