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Lego compatibility matrix

alexanderkoller edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 9 revisions

The following combinations of operating system, Lego controller brick, and connection type have been tested.

Lego Mindstorms EV3

OS Connection Status
MacOS Sierra USB doesn't work
MacOS Sierra Bluetooth works [4]
Windows 10 USB works
Windows 10 Bluetooth works [1,2]
Ubuntu 16.04 USB works [3]
Ubuntu 16.04 Bluetooth doesn't work

[1] To connect to an EV3 over Bluetooth on Windows, you need to first pair the EV3 brick with Windows. Navigate to the Windows Bluetooth settings and pair the EV3. Watch the EV3 brick for pop-up windows which ask you to confirm the pairing and enter a PIN. After the EV3 has been paired with Windows, you can then detect it in DialogOS. It can also help to connect to the EV3 brick using original Lego EV3 software and then quitting the Lego software before discovering the EV3 brick from DialogOS.

[2] If during the execution of your dialog, you get the error message javax.bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionException: Failed to connect, check whether your EV3 is in range of your computer. One reason for this problem might also be that the batteries in your EV3 are running low. Replace them with fresh batteries and check if this helps.

[3] To connect to an EV3 over USB on Linux, you need to give write access to your USB device to non-root users. If you can't see your EV3 brick after clicking on "Find EV3 bricks", run DialogOS as root and see if that helps. If yes, you can configure Linux to give make your EV3 readable and writable for everyone by creating a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-userusbdevices.rules with the following contents:


[4] On MacOS, DialogOS will crash if you try to discover bricks and Bluetooth is turned off. To fix this, go to your system preferences and turn Bluetooth on.

Lego Mindstorms NXT

OS Connection Status
MacOS Sierra USB works
MacOS Sierra Bluetooth works [1]
Windows 10 USB works
Windows 10 Bluetooth doesn't work; see #41
Ubuntu 16.04 USB works [2]
Ubuntu 16.04 Bluetooth doesn't work; see #42

[1] You need a recent version of the NXT firmware to pair it with MacOS over Bluetooth.

[2] On Linux, you need write access to your USB device. If you can't see your NXT brick after clicking on "Find NXT bricks", run DialogOS as root and see if that helps. If yes, you can configure Linux to give make your NXT readable and writable for everyone by creating a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-userusbdevices.rules with the following contents:
