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Elena Pascal edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 14 revisions

Simple instructions to run all tests for dxtbx, dials, and xia2

To run tests depending on external data files you need to install the dials-data package by running libtbx.pip install -U dials-data. For nicer test output you can further libtbx.pip install pytest-sugar.


Go into the dials module directory and run pytest --regression -n auto


Go into the xia2 module directory and run pytest --regression -n auto If you want to run all xia2 tests, including the full data processing jobs, run pytest --regression-full -n auto


Go into the dxtbx module directory and run pytest --regression -n auto

Run fewer tests

With pytest you can run a subset of tests. If you run pytest in a subdirectory then it will only pick up tests from that subdirectory (and no libtbx tests).

To only run tests from certain files use pytest $file $file [..].

While developing a test it might be useful to use pytest -s $file, which stops capturing standard output.

Run tests in parallel

When you run pytest you will notice that it only runs one test at a time. The equivalent of libtbx.run_tests_parallel nproc=$n is pytest -n $n.

Help, some test failed

Run pytest --pdb to get a debug console on test failures.

You can use -x to stop pytest after the first test failure or ``--maxfail=$n``` to stop after $n test failures.

After you fixed the problem you run pytest --lf to only rerun the failed tests. Or run pytest --ff to run all tests, but the previously failed tests first.

libtbx used to tell me which tests take a long time

Run pytest --duration=10 to show the 10 slowest steps (which may include setup/teardown times).

I want to do test-driven development and have my tests run whenever I change a file

Check out the ptw command.

Writing tests

Basically, name your test files test_*.py and your functions test_*() and then use asserts.

Here are some more advanced things you can do in pytests:

My test requires dials_regression

Really you shouldn't be using dials_regression any more. Use dials_data instead. Testing on Jenkins may lead to problems if you update dials_regression. If you really have to you can use the dials_regression fixture:

def test_only_runs_when_dials_regression_is_present(dials_regression):
  print("The path to dials_regression is %s" % dials_regression)

Simply add an argument named 'dials_regression' to your test function. When the test is run this is replaced with a string containing the full path to the dials regression directory. If dials_regression is not present then the test is skipped.

My test requires this import

Don't attempt try: import ...; except... blocks. This is the simple and correct solution:

import pytest
def test_only_runs_when_package_mock_is_installed():
  mock = pytest.importorskip("mock")

If necessary you can specify a version, too.

  mock = pytest.importorskip("mock", minversion="1.0") 

I need a temporary directory for my test

Use the tmpdir fixture:

def test_requires_a_temporary_directory(tmpdir):
  print("This is my temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir.strpath)

By adding an argument named 'tmpdir' to your test function you are passed a unique, existing temporary directory as a py.path.local object. You can get the path as a string via the .strpath attribute, as shown above.

It may be worth checking if you actually need the path as a string though. py.path objects have a ton of interesting methods, for example:

with tmpdir.as_cwd():
  # temporarily change the current directory
# go back to original location

# go there and stay

assert (tmpdir / 'modules' / 'dials') == tmpdir.join('modules', 'dials')
# look familiar?

tmpdir.join('some', 'new', 'path', 'filename.txt').write('data', ensure=True)
# write data to a file, creating missing directories if required

assert 'data' == tmpdir.join('some', 'new', 'path', 'filename.txt').read()
# read from file

assert tmpdir.check(dir=1)
# check that location exists and is a directory

Now, if your test uses tmpdir and fails you may want to know where your files ended up. If you ran the test through libtbx then this will be somewhere in pytest/t???/. Otherwise it will be in your system temp directory. Pytest will tell you:

============================== FAILURES ===============================
___________________________ test_something ____________________________

tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-username/pytest-54/test_something0')

    def test_something(tmpdir):
>     assert False
E     assert False AssertionError
====================== 1 failed in 0.04 seconds =======================

You will find the temporary files of the last couple of runs in /tmp/pytest-of-username, pytest will automatically remove directories older than 3 runs.

If you want to have your temporary directories in a different place you can run eg. pytest --basetemp=/dls/tmp/$(whoami)/pytest (NB: existing contents of the given directory will be deleted!)

I need more than one temporary directory for my test

Chances are that you should split up your test instead. (But pytest does have a fixture for that, too.)

My test is broken

Rather than commenting out the entire test - or maybe worse, converting the python code into a string by adding triple-quotes around the function - please just mark the test as skipped and give a reason why:

import pytest
@pytest.mark.skip('This test does not work, and I don't know why')
def test_broken():
  assert False

This way the test still shows up in the overview, but is marked as skipped with a useful comment. That makes it harder to forget about the test and rediscover it five years later.

If you want to skip a test conditionally you can use:

import pytest
def test_weekend():
  if get_weekday() in ('Saturday', 'Sunday'):
    pytest.skip('I do not work on weekends and neither does this test')

I use approx_equal from libtbx

Try pytest.approx instead:

  assert approx_equal(cell, [78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 90, 90, 90], eps=1e-1) # is equivalent to
  assert cell == pytest.approx([78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 90, 90, 90], abs=1e-1)

  assert approx_equal(a, b) # is equivalent to
  assert a == pytest.approx(b, abs=1e-6)