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Discord client in Sciter native GUI framework


  1. git clone
  2. cd shittercord
  3. go get
  4. go run *.go -t <DISCORD TOKEN> (if you have a Keyring Manager, you only need to pass in the token once)
  5. Optional: go build && ./shittercord


  • IMPORTANT! Do a CI build to push releases built with Ubuntu Base, Gtk and sciter-sdk
  • Author ID in the message-author div
    • Author's name should be clickable to add their mention ID into chat <@ID>
    • Author's avatar should open a popup containing their info
  • Proper dialogs to warn if messages are sent or not
  • Fix possible graphical glitches
  • Min and max height in plaintext
  • / for commands (untested, only embed and replace(All) for now)
  • Add a small subtitle for current presence status
  • Scroll up to load more
  • Fix <pre><code> having white spaces
  • Fix thumbnail-only embeds
  • Implement MessageAck (acknowledgement) for read/unread messages
  • Add in mini handlers to change the global variables eg. Settings
  • Add in a method of guaranteeing message order, as parsing messages with code is considerably slower
  • Hide channels that can't be seen
  • A different symbol for NSFW channels
  • Pack all HTML/CSS materials in the binary
  • Better timestamping, remove the edited part from timestamps and use .message-content:edited
  • Button to change availability (online, DND, etc) into the top corner profile picture
  • Emoji button (duh, right now it does nothing)
  • Probably fix the file upload button
  • Upload images from clipboard
  • "User is typing" box
  • Added syntax highlighting
  • CRASH-RELATED Ideally, messageEdit should only edit the .message-content part, as Author pointer could be nil
  • Embeds and attachments support
  • Proper spinner for messages Spinners weren't added, but idle messages

Things I don't plan on doing

  • User settings (except for a few commands eg /nick)
  • Server settings
  •   - Sciter isn't a browser (like Electron), thus stuff like hljs won't work
      - I might implement this when there's a plugin for it in Go



  • Usage: /embed [OPTIONS] [DESCRIPTION]
  • Options:
    • -t|--title - title
    • -a|--author - author's name
    • --authorURL - author's URL (hyperlink)
    • --authorImage - author's Image
    • -f|--footer - footer text
    • -th|--thumbnail - embed thumbnail, URL


Replaces the latest message of yours, same as Discord's s/string1/string2

  • Usage: /replace[All] [string] [string to replace with]



You can currently inject a CSS file with the -css flag, followed by the file path. Do note that this feature is untested, and you might need !important. It is also important to point out that Sciter's CSS is not like other browser's CSS.


Background color

html {
		This controls the entire window's background color,
		including chat messages, channel boxes, etc
	background-color: rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.75);

		This element is redundant on Linux, not sure what
		it does on Windows 
	window-frame: "transparent";


/* Formal fonts for the app */
body {
		This is the default font list for the UI. Worth pointing
		out that Sciter is a bit retarded with the font fallback,
		so things might be missing glyphs. You might also need an
		!important on this one.
	font-family: "Overpass", "Segoe UI", "Helvetica", "Source Sans Pro", "Noto Sans", sans-serif;

/* Monospaced fonts for code/fenced code */
pre, code {
		Might also need !important
	font-family: "Noto Sans Mono", monospace;

Top bar color

/* ID for topbar */
#topbar {
		The top bar's background color. It has alpha, as
		the default style is a transparent one.
	background-color: rgba(45, 45, 45, 0.45);

		Self-explanatory, it's the same as HTML's CSS
	box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);

Hiding blocked messages

.message.blocked {
		The original properties for blocked messages:
			height: 2px;
			overflow: hidden;

		This hides the blocked messages in a barely
		distinguishable/clickable box cleanly.

	/* The actual code to hide blocked messages */
	display: none;