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Releases: dice-group/owlapy

owlapy 1.1.1

15 Jul 11:45
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Happy to share this new release where we added owlapi adaptor.


pip install -U owlapy

What's Changed

  • Added owlapi adaptor in #46
    • Refactoring of owlapi adaptor: #47 #49

About OWLAPIAdaptor

This class serves as a bridge between owlapi and owlapy. You can now directly use reasoners such as HermiT , Pellet etc., to retrieve instances for a given class expression in a given ontology. Please check the documentation and the example for more details on what the adaptor offers.

We will continue to improve this adaptor in the future release.

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1

owlapy 1.1.0

27 May 12:44
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We're happy to announce the new release - owlapy 1.1.0.

You can install/update using pip install -U owlapy.

What's Changed

  • License updated to MIT License by @alkidbaci in 94e2809.
  • New module (expressing OWL hierarchy) and extra utils method which are now all moved to are added by @alkidbaci in #38.
  • An alternative for the ForAll mapping based on De Morgan's laws is introduced to owl2sparql converter by @nkaralis in #39 .
  • New examples and modules added and some refactoring changes by @alkidbaci in #41 .
  • Classes for ontology manipulation added by @alkidbaci in #42 .
    • Ontology representation class: owlapy.owl_ontology.Ontology.
    • Ontology manager class for managing ontologies: owlapy.owl_ontology_manager.OntologyManager.
    • 3 ontology reasoner classes for reasoning over ontologies in owlapy/owl_reasoner: OntologyReasoner, FastInstanceCheckerReasoner and SyncReasoner.

Documentation for ontology manipulation will be added soon.
Edit: Documentation is now added. Check also the examples.

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.1.0

owlapy 1.0.2

03 May 19:01
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We're happy to announce the new release - owlapy 1.0.2.

You can install/update using pip install -U owlapy.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.2

owlapy 1.0.0

19 Apr 12:49
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We're happy to announce the new release - owlapy 1.0.0.

You can install/update using pip install -U owlapy.

What's Changed

API refactoring changes:

  • IMPORTANT: Method get_iri() for classes which inherit from HasIRI is now completely removed. OWL classes that inherit from HasIRI contain 2 new parameters iri (to get the IRI - used instead of get_iri() ) and str (to get string representation of that IRI)
  • model module is removed.
  • added modules: owl_ontology, owl_ontology_manager and owl_reasoning, each has respective classes that were previously located in model module.
  • is moved directly under owlapy. Naming of the methods of this module is changed from PascalCase to sneak_case.
  • removed module owl2sparql. is now moved directly under owlapy module.
  • removed module data_ranges, added owl_data_ranges instead.
  • renamed to
  • renamed to
  • moved class HasIndex from to Removed
  • moved method move (renamed from MOVE) from to Removed
  • conversion methods including: owl_expression_to_dl, owl_expression_to_manchester, dl_to_owl_expression, manchester_to_owl_expression, owl_expression_to_sparql can now be imported directly from owlapy.

Documentation Changes:

  • Changed docstrings for owl classes that correspond to entities from OWL 2 Specification according to description found in the specification. Link to the description is also included for each class in case someone is interested to read more.
  • Added "About" page in documentation.
  • Added "Usage" guide in documentation, showing the essence of owlapy through concrete examples.

Bug fixes:

  • fixed a bug where converting an OWLDataCardinalityRestriction expression to sparql the corresponding method would check for Object restrictions instead of Data restrictions.
  • for parser methods: dl_to_owl_expression and manchester_to_owl_expression you can now pass the namespace argument which is required to successfully parse the given expression.

Full Changelog: 0.1.3...1.0.0

owlapy 0.1.3

10 Apr 10:57
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owlapy 0.1.3

We're happy to announce the 0.13 release. You can install it with pip install -U owlapy

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.1.2...0.1.3

owlapy 0.1.2

28 Mar 11:57
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owlapy 0.1.2

We're happy to announce the 0.12 release. You can install it with pip install -U owlapy

What's Changed

  • owl2sparql conversion by @alkidbaci in #5
  • Github Action added and str property added for few classes by @Demirrr in #6
  • TODOs are added for the next release by @Demirrr in #7
  • already installs dependencies by @Demirrr in #8
  • New Release by @Demirrr in #9

New Contributors

Full Changelog: