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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 5, 2019. It is now read-only.

React application to display individual publications using GraphQL

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This project is no longer maintained. Check out the updated forked version instead.

Master branch

Dependency Status devDependency Status Commitizen friendly

Develop branch

Dependency Status devDependency Status Commitizen friendly

Web application to display genomic information at dictyBase


  • First clone this repository.
  • Next configure the application as described below.



  • Copy the provided sample clientConfig.sample.js file to clientConfig.js in the same folder.
  • Then add the provider names and their corresponding client IDs.
  • All the providers should have a matching counterpart in the oauthConfig.js file. Fill up all the configuration parameters for every new provider in that file.
  • For each of the provider names, a corresponding login button will be shown in the login route. The list of supported buttons are given here

Auth server

  • By default, the application expects it to run on https://betatoken.dictybase.local
  • The url of the auth server can be configured by REACT_APP_AUTH_SERVER environmental variable.
  • The binaries for the auth server can be downloaded from its release page. Download the one that is suitable for your OS and make sure you always use the latest one.
  • The REACT_APP_AUTH_SERVER env variable can also be customized by modifying the global variable in the env file.

GraphQL server

  • By default, the application expects it to run on http://localhost:8080
  • The url of the GraphQL server can be configured by modifying the REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_SERVER environmental variable in the env file.

Navbar and Footer

  • The application has env variables for REACT_APP_NAVBAR_JSON and REACT_APP_FOOTER_JSON that are set to the corresponding URLs where the JSON data is stored on GitHub.

Semantic Versioning

This app has been set up to use semantic-release and commitizen. After adding a new commit (git add .), use npm run cz and follow the prompts to categorize and provide more details about your commit. Once complete, push your changes to whatever branch you are working on.

When you are ready to push to prod, you can use semantic-release to automate the release process:

  • Merge your changes into master
  • Run npx semantic-release

Important: you MUST have an env variable stored for GH_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN that contains a GitHub personal access token. You can either pass this in manually when you run the script (i.e. GH_TOKEN=XXX npx semantic-release) or you can store your env variable locally.

This will look at your most recent commits since the last git tag and automatically determine the appropriate version number for your release. It also updates the CHANGELOG documentation.

Running the application (dev version)

  • npm install
  • npm start

Application Structure

This was built using the create-react-app structure and philosophy. Please read their User Guide for more detailed information.

├── public                      # Index.html and favicon
├── src                         # Application source code
│   ├── app                     # Application level components
│       ├── actions             # Actions used for the entire app (i.e. footer, navbar)
│       ├── layout              # Main app template
│       ├── reducers            # Redux reducers
│       ├── routes              # React Router routes
│       ├── store               # Redux store configuration
│   ├── common                  # Common features for entire app
│       ├── @types              # Typescript type definitions
│       ├── assets              # Images, fonts, etc.
│       ├── components          # Generic components
│       ├── constants           # Static data (i.e. footer, navbar links)
│       ├── utils               # Application utilities
│   ├── features                # Main features of application
│       ├── Authentication      # Authentication-related components
│       ├── MainPage            # Component for the / route, displays example genes
│       ├── Publication         # All components related to publication retrieval/display
│   └── index.tsx               # Application rendering
└──                             # Config files


The application is deployed by building a Docker image and running it through Kubernetes. More detailed information about the deployment process for DSC and all Dicty software can be found here.


React application to display individual publications using GraphQL






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