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#Single-Cycle MIPS (VHDL) ###Supported commands:

Instruction Type Example Meaning
add R add S1 S2 S3 $s1 = $s2 + $s3
and R and S1 S2 S3 $s1 = $s2 and $s3
or R or S1 S2 S3 $s1 = $s2 or $s3
nor R nor S1 S2 S3 $s1 = $s2 nor $s3
xor R xor S1 S2 S3 $s1 = $s2 xor $s3
shift left R sll S1 S2 3 $s1 = $s2 << 3
shift right R slr S1 S2 3 $s1 = $s2 >> 3
set on less then R slt S1 S2 25 if ($s1 < $s2) $s1=1 else $s1=0
load word I lw S1 S2 3 $s1 = Memory [ $s2 + 3 ]
store word I sw S1 S2 3 Memory [ $s2 + 3 ] = $s1
add immediate I addi S1 S2 100 $s1 = $s2 + 100
branch on equal I beq S1 S2 25 if ($s1 == $s2) goto (PC+4) + 100
branch on not equal I beq S1 S2 25 if ($s1 < $s2) goto (PC+4) + 100
jump J j 2500 goto 10000

Be aware to some differences for example the load and store syntax compared to the standard.

Generate binary machine language from assembly code

  1. Write a plain text file with assembly instruction like examples in the table and put it in the script/ folder. E.g:
addi S1 S10 20
addi S2 S10 10
addi S3 S10 50
add S5 S1 S2
sw S5 S3 5
lw S10 S3 5
  1. Check if the file contains valid instructions and check the logic
diego@xps13 ~script] sh InstructionListTest 
S1 = S10 + 20
S2 = S10 + 10
S3 = S10 + 50
S5 = S1 + S2
Memory[S3 + 5] = S5
S10 = Memory[S3 + 5]

If prompts no error go on.

  1. Generate the VHDL ready inititialization lines for Instruction Memory
[diego@xps13 script]$ sh InstructionListTest1 -m
0 => "00100001",
1 => "01000001",
2 => "00000000",
3 => "00010100",
4 => "00100001",
5 => "01000010",
6 => "00000000",
7 => "00001010",
8 => "00100001",
9 => "01000011",
10 => "00000000",
11 => "00110010",
12 => "00000000",
13 => "00100010",
14 => "00101000",
15 => "00100000",
16 => "10101100",
17 => "01100101",
18 => "00000000",
19 => "00000101",
20 => "10001100",
21 => "01101010",
22 => "00000000",
23 => "00000101",
  1. Paste the line in InstructionMemory.vhd file. Example, from:
signal mem: mem_type(0 to 1023) := (
    	others=> (others => '0'));


signal mem: mem_type(0 to 1023) := (
                0 => "00100001",
                1 => "01000001",
                2 => "00000000",
                3 => "00010100",
		        others=> (others => '0'));
  1. Simulate with ModelSim



Single cycle MIPS architecture using VHDL






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