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Installation (development)

  • add an entry in your /etc/hosts to point digger.local ->
  • create virtualenv with python version > 3.7
  • cp env/.env.example env/.env
  • update endpoint in env/.env file to https://digger.local:8000
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install --editable .
  • now test with dg -- you should see a help screen
  • start from a blank folder


On host:

  • create a virtualenv for packaging
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip insall pyinstaller
  • pyinstaller dg.spec
  • The released binary will be in dist/ folder

Using docker:

  • docker build -t dg-release-debian -f docker/Dockerfile-release.debian .
  • docker run -it -v $PWD/dist:/dist dg-release-debian
  • The resulting binary will be in the dist/ folder, you can modify this by changing the first argument to -v

With github actions:

Any tag which starts with vxxx will be built for linux and malk A corresponding release will be created. In the releases tab You can download the release and upload to a pulic s3 bucket (we deploy to digger-releases/linux and digger-releases/darwin). Update homebrew and notion page with latest links