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Whats New

Tsang Wai Lam edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 5 revisions

What’s News in version 1.2.5

[New Features]

  • Change name to 2D Effects Creator and new "look & feel".
  • Camera Effects Helper: Script to add camera effect with created shader effect.
  • [New Node] FlowMap Node. Create animation effect using a flow map
  • [New Node] FlowMap UV Node. Same as FlowMap Node but output UV which can use with procedural texture.
  • [New Node] Vertex Color. Get the vertex colors.
  • [New Node] Color to UV
  • [New Node] Default UV Color
  • [New Node] 4 Colors Gradient
  • [Node Update] Gradient Node. Add new fill type, Angle.
  • [Node Update] Gradient Node. Add new smoothing option
  • [Node Update] Gradient Node. Add new port ‘ratio’ output a float to indicate the value of gradient.
  • [Node Update] Color Blend Node. Add premultiplied alpha option

[Bug Fix]

  • Preview in node not clipped when outside canvas
  • Add Enable/Disable tint color in Shader Output Node
  • All Distort Effects node, add separate RGBA output
  • Fix DecodeColor Node output always return r channel
  • When click on canvas with shift key or space key, selected node will deselected.

[New Examples]

  • Fire (Procedural realistic fire)
  • 2D water flow using flowmap
  • Under Water Camera Effect
  • Old Video Camera Effect

What’s News in version 1.1.3


  • Optimise shader code for normal sprite shader
  • Update examples for optimise shader code
  • Add “Invert” option in ColorMask Node

[Bug Fix]

  • “Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex’” error when using a shader with UI without Texture input node
  • Create new 2D Effect Shader from menu, rename the file, default connection will be broken.

What’s News in version 1.1.2

[New Features]

  • HDR Color Support in Color Property Node
  • Add maximum window button in toolbar

[Bug Fix]

  • Improve toolbar button icons
  • Shader blend mode “Additive” change to “SrcAlpha One”
  • Node size of Texture Property Node
  • Left drag on node will move the canvas and node together
  • Fix “Lighting” example

What’s News in version 1.1.1

[Bug fix]

  • Compile error when GrabPass connection deleted
  • When a node selected, can’t switch editor by click on tab
  • Can’t drag node if right click on the canvas


  • Improving wire connecting experience
  • Improving icon image quality in toolbar
  • Improving node graph images design (Pro/Personal skin)
  • Editor images resource path is not hardcoded (Can move the plugin folder anywhere)

What’s News in version 1.1

[New Features]

  • Add Shortcut “Cmd+L” for opening 2D Shader Editor
  • Add Shortcut “Cmd+Return” for maximzing editor window
  • Add “Copy” (Control+C) and “Paste” (Control+V)
  • Add “Blend Mode” in shader node. Select from predefined blend mode in the list.

[New Nodes]

  • RadialBar Create procedural radial bar
  • Dithering Create dithering effect
  • ColorMaskAB Masking effect with two colors input. Output will leap between input A and B with the masking value.
  • Comments A resizable node which can add comments and group other nodes.
  • Chroma Key Replace color with backdrop color.
  • PI Constant Add PI constant to shader.
  • AND and OR operator node
  • AND(&&) and OR(||) logic node

[New Examples]

  • Radial Bar - Show 3 types of radial bar use for Unity UI
  • Dithering - Show dithering effect with build-in pattern and texture.
  • Force Field - Simple and complex version of force field
  • Teleport - Animated teleport effect for fading in object
  • Color Blending - Show different type of blending mode

[Bug fix]

  • Improve performance for large number of nodes
  • Hide inspector if editor window too small
  • Layout error when mouse drag near the border of canvas
  • Scrolling not respond when node inspector have scrollbar
  • Format the title of properties node
  • Ripple Node: incorrect graphic when negative offset.
  • Easing Animation Node - Add waiting time before start