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Satellite Image Processing Environment

This is a Vagrant environment for processing satellite images. It can be used locally with VirtualBox or with AWS EC2. Libraries installed include:

Installation and Basic Usage

You will need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox to get started. Then clone this git repo and cd into the cloned folder:

git clone
cd satellite-image-processing

Then simply run vagrant up and sit back and wait as your machine is launched. Type vagrant ssh to connect to your machine and use gdal etc. The folder /vagrant_data is connected to the ./data folder, for sharing files between the virtual machine and your local computer.

When you are done type vagrant halt to shutdown the virtual machine, or vagrant destroy to shutdown and remove all the guest hard drives. You can still vagrant up again, but it will take some time to download and install the machine again.

Usage with AWS EC2

This is most useful when used with Amazon EC2, since bandwidth can be a limitation when downloading and uploading images locally. You will need an Amazon AWS account and you will need to install the AWS CLI tool and configure it with your credentials

Using EC2 requires certain security roles and groups to be set up first. You can use the helper scripts to do this for you:


This will:

  1. Create a keypair and save a private key (as ~/.ssh/satellite-image-processing.pem)
  2. Create an instance profile that allows you to write to your S3 buckets from your EC2 instance without credentials
  3. Create a security policy group ssh-only that opens port 22 to allow ssh access to your instances

You will need to copy the example config:

cp ./config/aws.example.yml ./config/aws.yml && chmod 600 ./config/aws.yml

Edit ./config/aws.yml to add your AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key. You can change the instance type you want to use here and any other settings.

Now you should be ready to simply vagrant up and sit back until everything is installed (should take about 5 minutes), then vagrant ssh to connect to your machine.

When you are done do not forget to vagrant destroy or your virtual machine will be left running and you will get a big bill at the end of the month!

AWS Advanced Usage

You can launch additional instances for multiple processing tasks:

vagrant up --provider=aws instance-1

or you can launch several at once using a regular expression:

vagrant up --provider=aws /instance-[0-4]/

would launch 5 instances. Once you have launched multiple instances you will need to specify the instance name with any vagrant command e.g.

vagrant ssh instance-0

Don't forget to vagrant destroy to terminate all your instances when you are done.

Example Processing Tasks

Here at Digital Democracy we often need to share satellite imagery with our partners. Often our partners don't have access to imagery processing tools or the training to use them, so we use this toolset to create composite images, pre-process or merge satellite imagery, or prepare tilesets or geotiffs for viewing offline.


Vagrant environment for processing satellite images on AWS or locally






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