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Create modicon-info.nse
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sjhilt committed Sep 27, 2014
1 parent e32b680 commit c8935b8
Showing 1 changed file with 333 additions and 0 deletions.
333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions modicon-info.nse
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
local bin = require "bin"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"

description = [[
Modicon is a brand of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) that is put out by
Schneider Electric. This NSE is designed to use Modbus to communicate to the
PLC via Normal queries that are performed via engineering software. The information
that is collected via Modbus is done in two separate function codes. First, Function
Code 43 is utilized to pull the Vendor Name, Network Module, and the Firmware Version.
Second, Schneider uses function code 90 for communications as well. Via Function Code 90
it is possible to pull information such as the CPU Module, Memory Card Model, and some
information about the project that is loaded into the PLC.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script modicon-info -p 502 <host>
-- @output
--502/tcp open Modbus
--| modicon-info:
--| Vendor Name: Schneider Electric
--| Network Module: BMX NOE 0100
--| CPU Module: BMX P34 2000
--| Firmware: V2.60
--| Memory Card: BMXRMS008MP
--| Project Information: Project - V4.0
--| Project File Name: Project.STU
--| Project Revision: 0.0.9
--|_ Project Last Modified: 7/11/2013 5:55:33
-- @xmloutput
--<elem key="Vendor Name">Schneider Electric</elem>
--<elem key="Network Module">BMX NOE 0100</elem>
--<elem key="CPU Module">BMX P34 2000</elem>
--<elem key="Firmware">V2.60</elem>
--<elem key="Memory Card">BMXRMS008MP</elem>
--<elem key="Project Information">Project - V4.0</elem>
--<elem key="Project File Name">Project.STU</elem>
--<elem key="Project Revision">0.0.9</elem>
--<elem key="Project Last Modified">7/11/2013 5:55:33</elem>

author = "Stephen Hilt (Digital Bond)"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"discovery", "intrusive","digitalbond"}

-- Function to define the portrule as per nmap standards
portrule = shortport.portnumber(502, "tcp")

-- Function to trim white space off the beginning and ending of a string
-- @param s a string passed in that needs white space trimmed off
function trim(s)
-- remove white spaces from beginning and ending of the string
return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
-- Function to set the nmap output for the host, if a valid Modbus packet
-- is received then the output will show that the port as Modbus.
-- @param host Host that was passed in via nmap
-- @param port port that Modbus is running on (Default TCP/502)
function set_nmap(host, port)

--set port Open
port.state = "open"
-- set version name to Modbus = "Modbus"
nmap.set_port_version(host, port)
nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open")

-- Function to setup the communications to the Modicon. This is where alot
-- of the function code 90 information is sent and parsed for information
-- about the Modicon itself.
-- @param socket Socket passed in via Action to communicate to remote device
-- @param output The output table to add information that is collected
function init_comms(socket, output)

-- decelerations
local pos
local payload = bin.pack("H","000100000004005a0002")
-- recv packet, however not going to do anything with it
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
-- send and receive, not going to do anything with this packet.
payload = bin.pack("H","000200000005005a000100")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
-- create a string with 249 T (0x54)
local count = 0
local ice = "54"
while (count < 248) do
ice = ice .. "54"
count = count + 1
-- send packet with 249 T's (0x54), recv packet and do nothing as well
payload = bin.pack("H","0003000000fe005a00fe00" .. ice)
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
-- send packet that request the project information
payload = bin.pack("H","000400000005005a000300")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
-- unpack the Project Name, this is configured by the engineers
local pos, project_name = bin.unpack("z", response, 50)
-- unpack the year that the project was last modified
-- define the next sections we are going to unpack
-- Each one is to support time stamp
local project_hour
local project_min
local project_sec
local project_month
local project_day
-- define the 3 vars for the project revision number
local project_rev_1
local project_rev_2
local project_rev_3
-- unpack the time stamp, as well as the revision numbers
-- unpack the seconds
pos, project_sec = bin.unpack("C", response, 38)
-- unpack the min
pos, project_min = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)
-- unpack the hour
pos, project_hour = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)
-- unpack the day
pos, project_day = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)
-- unpack the month
pos, project_month = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)
pos, project_year = bin.unpack("<S", response, pos)
-- The next 3 are for the revision number
pos, project_rev_1 = bin.unpack("C", response, pos )
pos, project_rev_2 = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)
pos, project_rev_3 = bin.unpack("C", response, pos)

payload = bin.pack("H","000500000005005a000304")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000600000004005a0004")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000700000005005a000100")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","0008000000fe005a000a00000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213141516" ..
"1718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f40414243" ..
"4445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f70" ..
"7172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d" ..
"9e9fa0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebfc0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9ca" ..
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000900000004005a0004")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000a00000004005a0004")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000b00000004005a0004")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000c0000000d005a0020001300000000006400")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000d0000000d005a0020001300640000009c00")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000e0000000d005a0020001400000000006400")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()

payload = bin.pack("H","000f0000000d005a002000140064000000f600")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
local pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, 6)
-- calcualate size of packet, from the starting point we will be reading
local project_info = ""
local tmp_proj_info
local pos
-- for loop that iterates at byte 180 to the end of the packet
-- the size of the packet is off by 6 since the length field is 6 bytes
-- into the packet
for pos=180,size+6 do
-- if pos is equal to nil or 0x00
pos, tmp_proj_info = bin.unpack("A", response, pos)
if (tmp_proj_info == nil or stdnse.tohex(tmp_proj_info) == "00") then
pos = pos + 1
project_info = project_info .. " "
-- else store results
project_info = project_info .. tmp_proj_info
-- define and unpack the project file name
local project_fn
payload = bin.pack("H","00100000000d005a00200014005a010000f600")
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
-- parse the project filename
pos, project_fn = bin.unpack("z", response, 14)
-- if nil then set some value, other wise we will have issues concatenating strings
if(project_fn == nil) then
project_fn = ""
-- store information into the output table to be shown in nmap results
output["Project Information"] = project_name .. " - " .. trim(project_info) .. project_fn
output["Project Revision"] = project_rev_3 .. "." .. project_rev_2 .. "." .. project_rev_1
output["Project Last Modified"] = project_month .. "/" .. project_day .. "/" .. project_year ..
" " .. project_hour .. ":" .. project_min .. ":" .. project_sec
-- return output
return output


-- Action Function that is used to run the NSE. This function will send the initial query to the
-- host and port that were passed in via nmap. The initial response is parsed to determine if host
-- is a Modbus/Modicon device. If it is then more actions are taken to gather extra information.
-- @param host Host that was scanned via nmap
-- @param port port that was scanned via nmap
action = function(host,port)
-- Function code 43 (0x2b), read device identification (14 - 0x0e)
local modbus_req_ident = bin.pack("H","000000000005002b0e0200")
-- Function Code 90 (0x5a) request CPU and Request Memory
local modbus_req_cpu = bin.pack("H","000100000004005a0002")
local modbus_req_mem = bin.pack("H","01bf00000005005a000606")
-- create new output table in Nmap format
local output = stdnse.output_table()
local revision = nil
-- create new socket
socket = nmap.new_socket()

-- define the catch of the try statement
catch = function()
-- create new try
try = nmap.new_try(catch)

-- connect to port on host
try(socket:connect(host, port))
-- initialise communications
-- send read device identification
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
if(rcvstatus == false) then
return false, response
local pos, status = bin.unpack("C", response, 9)
if (status == 0x07) then
set_nmap(host, port)
return "\n\tUnknown Exception Code"
-- parse out the number of responses
local pos, numresponses = bin.unpack("C", response, 14)
if (numresponses == 0x03) then
set_nmap(host, port)
local pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, 16)
pos, output["Vendor Name"] = bin.unpack("A" .. size, response, 17)
pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, pos + 1)
pos, output["Network Module"] = bin.unpack("A" .. size, response, pos)
pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, pos + 1)
pos, revision = bin.unpack("A" .. size, response, pos)
if (string.sub(output["Vendor Name"], 1, 9) == "Schneider") then

local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
if(rcvstatus == false) then
return false, response
local pos, status = bin.unpack("C", response, 9)
if (status == 0x01) then
output["Firmware"] = revision
return output
pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, 33)
pos, output["CPU Module"] = bin.unpack("A" .. size, response, pos)
output["Firmware"] = revision

local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
if(rcvstatus == false) then
return false, response
pos, size = bin.unpack("C", response, 17)
if(size ~= nil) then
pos, output["Memory Card"] = bin.unpack("A" .. size, response, pos)
output = init_comms(socket, output)
--output = read_ladder(socket, output)
-- for each element in the table, if it is nil, then remove the information from the table
for key, value in pairs(output) do
if(string.len(output[key]) == 0) then
output[key] = nil

return output
return nil
return nil

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