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"referenced after being consumed" ICE #1947

Programmerino opened this issue May 23, 2023 · 4 comments

"referenced after being consumed" ICE #1947

Programmerino opened this issue May 23, 2023 · 4 comments


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I tested this bug on 0.24.3 and e82e4c2 (latest commit). I'm sorry it's more complex/weird than usual, everytime I try to simplify it more, the issue goes away:

def consume (a: *[]i64) = a with [0] = 0
entry test (_: i64) =
    let a = [0,1]
    let b = map id a :> [3]i64
    let a_consumed = consume a
    let final = consume (copy (filter (\x -> x > 2) a_consumed))
    in (all (\x -> x == 0) b, final)


[  +0.000012] Reading and type-checking source program
[  +0.136329] Defunctorising
[  +0.000504] Monomorphising
[  +0.023557] Lifting lambdas
[  +0.000456] Defunctionalising
[  +0.000899] Converting to core IR
[  +0.001540] Type-checking internalised program
[  +0.001640] Running pass simplify
[  +0.001983] Running pass Inline conservatively
[  +0.008389] Running pass simplify
[  +0.000641] Running pass Inline aggressively
[  +0.001410] Running pass simplify
[  +0.001442] Running pass CSE
[  +0.000559] Running pass simplify
[  +0.001681] Running pass Fuse SOACs
[  +0.002391] Running pass CSE
[  +0.000479] Running pass simplify
[  +0.001693] Running pass Remove dead functions
[  +0.000944] Running pass first order transform
[  +0.000499] Running pass simplify
[  +0.001594] Running pass In-place lowering
[  +0.000519] Running pass explicit allocations
[  +0.000202] Running pass CSE
[  +0.000737] Running pass simplify
[  +0.002604] Running pass Entry point memory optimisation
[  +0.000633] Running pass simplify
[  +0.000940] Running pass lift allocations
[  +0.001312] Running pass simplify
Internal compiler error.  Please report this:
Type error after pass 'lift allocations':
In function entry_test
When checking function body
Type error:
Variable a_6497 referenced after being consumed.
types {

      {_: i64},
  entry_test (nameless_6421 : i64)
  : {mem,
     *[?1]i64 @ ?0 ->
     {base: [?1];
      contiguous: true;
      LMADs: [{offset: 0i64;
               strides: [1i64];
               shape: [?1];
               permutation: [0];
               monotonicity: [Inc]}]}} = {
  let {mem_6596 : ({}, mem)} =
  let {a_6497 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6596 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    [0i64, 1i64] : []i64
  let {consume_res_6551 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6596 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    -- Consumes a_6497
    a_6497 with [0i64] = 0i64
  let {mem_6598 : ({}, mem)} =
  let {result_6580 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6598 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    scratch(i64, 2i64)
  let {mem_6600 : ({}, mem)} =
  let {result_6581 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6600 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    scratch(i64, 2i64)
  let {discard_6588 : ({}, i64),
       offsets_6575 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6598 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]}),
       increments_6576 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6600 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    -- Consumes result_6580, result_6581
    -- Result for scanout_6583 aliases lw_dest_6586
    -- Result for mapout_6584 aliases lw_dest_6587
    loop {scanacc_6582 : i64,
          scanout_6583 : *[2i64]i64 @ mem_6598 ->
                         {base: [2i64];
                          contiguous: true;
                          LMADs: [{offset: 0i64;
                                   strides: [1i64];
                                   shape: [2i64];
                                   permutation: [0];
                                   monotonicity: [Inc]}]},
          mapout_6584 : *[2i64]i64 @ mem_6600 ->
                        {base: [2i64];
                         contiguous: true;
                         LMADs: [{offset: 0i64;
                                  strides: [1i64];
                                  shape: [2i64];
                                  permutation: [0];
                                  monotonicity: [Inc]}]}} = {0i64, result_6580, result_6581}
    for i_6585:i64 < 2i64 do {
      let {x_6563 : ({}, i64)} =
      let {defunc_0_p_res_6564 : ({}, bool)} =
        slt64(2i64, x_6563)
      let {cond_neg_6565 : ({}, bool)} =
        not defunc_0_p_res_6564
      let {defunc_0_lifted_lambda_res_6566 : ({}, i64)} =
        btoi bool cond_neg_6565 to i64
      let {is_i_6567 : ({}, bool)} =
        eq_i64(defunc_0_lifted_lambda_res_6566, 0i64)
      let {cond_neg_6568 : ({}, bool)} =
        not is_i_6567
      let {part_res_6569 : ({}, i64)} =
        btoi bool cond_neg_6568 to i64
      let {part_res_6570 : ({}, i64)} =
        btoi bool is_i_6567 to i64
      let {z_6516 : ({}, i64)} =
        add_nw64(part_res_6570, scanacc_6582)
      let {lw_dest_6586 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6598 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
        -- Consumes scanout_6583
        scanout_6583 with [i_6585] = z_6516
      let {lw_dest_6587 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6600 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
        -- Consumes mapout_6584
        mapout_6584 with [i_6585] = part_res_6569
      in {z_6516, lw_dest_6586, lw_dest_6587}
  let {last_offset_6518 : ({}, i64)} =
  let {mem_6622 : ({}, mem)} =
  let {binop_y_6633 : ({}, i64)} =
    mul_nw64(8i64, last_offset_6518)
  let {bytes_6634 : ({}, i64)} =
    smax64(0i64, binop_y_6633)
  let {mem_6635 : ({}, mem)} =
  let {defunc_0_reduce_res_6573 : ({}, bool)} =
    loop {redout_6578 : bool} = {true}
    for i_6579:i64 < 3i64 do {
      let {x_6558 : ({}, i64)} =
      let {defunc_0_f_res_6559 : ({}, bool)} =
        eq_i64(x_6558, 0i64)
      let {x_6545 : ({}, bool)} =
        logand(defunc_0_f_res_6559, redout_6578)
      in {x_6545}
  let {partition_dest_6519 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6622 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    scratch(i64, 2i64)
  let {partition_res_6577 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6622 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    -- Consumes partition_dest_6519
    -- Result for write_out_6590 aliases write_out_6594
    loop {write_out_6590 : *[2i64]i64 @ mem_6622 ->
                           {base: [2i64];
                            contiguous: true;
                            LMADs: [{offset: 0i64;
                                     strides: [1i64];
                                     shape: [2i64];
                                     permutation: [0];
                                     monotonicity: [Inc]}]}} = {partition_dest_6519}
    for write_iter_6589:i64 < 2i64 do {
      let {write_iv_6591 : ({}, i64)} =
      let {write_iv_6592 : ({}, i64)} =
      let {write_iv_6593 : ({}, i64)} =
      let {is_this_one_6524 : ({}, bool)} =
        eq_i64(write_iv_6591, 0i64)
      let {this_offset_6525 : ({}, i64)} =
        add_nw64(-1i64, write_iv_6592)
      let {total_res_6526 : ({}, i64)} =
        if is_this_one_6524
        then {this_offset_6525} else {-1i64}
        : {i64}
      let {write_out_6594 : ({}, [2i64]i64 @ mem_6622 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [2i64]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
        -- Consumes write_out_6590
        write_out_6590 with? [total_res_6526] = write_iv_6593
      in {write_out_6594}
  let {empty_slice_6527 : ({}, bool)} =
    eq_i64(last_offset_6518, 0i64)
  let {m_6528 : ({}, i64)} =
    sub64(last_offset_6518, 1i64)
  let {zero_leq_i_p_m_t_s_6529 : ({}, bool)} =
    sle64(0i64, m_6528)
  let {i_p_m_t_s_leq_w_6530 : ({}, bool)} =
    slt64(m_6528, 2i64)
  let {i_lte_j_6531 : ({}, bool)} =
    sle64(0i64, last_offset_6518)
  let {y_6532 : ({}, bool)} =
    logand(zero_leq_i_p_m_t_s_6529, i_p_m_t_s_leq_w_6530)
  let {y_6533 : ({}, bool)} =
    logand(i_lte_j_6531, y_6532)
  let {ok_or_empty_6534 : ({}, bool)} =
    logor(empty_slice_6527, y_6533)
  let {index_certs_6535 : ({}, unit)} =
    assert(ok_or_empty_6534, {"Index [:", last_offset_6518 : i64, "] out of bounds for array of shape [", 2i64 : i64, "]."}, "/prelude/soacs.fut:173:6-16")
  let {defunc_0_filter_res_6536 : ({partition_res_6577}, [last_offset_6518]i64 @ mem_6622 -> {base: [2i64]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [last_offset_6518]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    partition_res_6577[0i64 :+ last_offset_6518 * 1i64]
  let {smaller_replicate_6537 : ({}, [last_offset_6518]i64 @ mem_6635 -> {base: [last_offset_6518]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [last_offset_6518]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
  let {y_6554 : ({}, bool)} =
    slt64(0i64, last_offset_6518)
  let {index_certs_6555 : ({}, unit)} =
    assert(y_6554, {"Index [", 0i64 : i64, "] out of bounds for array of shape [", last_offset_6518 : i64, "]."}, "test.fut:1:27-40")
  let {consume_res_6556 : ({}, [last_offset_6518]i64 @ mem_6635 -> {base: [last_offset_6518]; contiguous: true; LMADs: [{offset: 0i64; strides: [1i64]; shape: [last_offset_6518]; permutation: [0]; monotonicity: [Inc]}]})} =
    -- Consumes smaller_replicate_6537
    smaller_replicate_6537 with [0i64] = 0i64
  in {mem_6635, last_offset_6518, defunc_0_reduce_res_6573, consume_res_6556}
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athas commented May 23, 2023

Minor simplification (mostly to avoid the compiler hypothetically optimising everything away):

def consume (a: *[]i64) = a with [0] = 0
entry test (a: *[2]i64) (_: i64) n =
  let b = map id a :> [n]i64
  let a_consumed = consume a
  let final = consume (copy (filter (\x -> x > 2) a_consumed))
  in (all (\x -> x == 0) b, final)

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athas commented May 23, 2023

Ah, I see. The LiftAllocations pass does not properly take consumption into account when reordering code. Should be easy to fix.

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Ah, I see. The LiftAllocations pass does not properly take consumption into account when reordering code. Should be easy to fix.

Want me to take a look?

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athas commented May 23, 2023

No need, I can do it.

@athas athas closed this as completed in 889eeb9 May 23, 2023
razetime pushed a commit to razetime/futhark that referenced this issue May 27, 2023
The most invasive change was to make LiftAllocations take aliasing
into account.

I also generally refactored it a bit to further reduce duplication.

I suspect a similar bug lurks in LowerAllocations.
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