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Merge pull request #5207 from dimagi/vellum-deploy
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Add script to automate Vellum -> HQ
  • Loading branch information
dannyroberts committed Jan 5, 2015
2 parents d986af3 + 6973e95 commit 294862f
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions scripts/vellum-to-hq
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
Update Vellum in HQ
It is a good idea to build Vellum and test locally before pushing
changes made by this script. It is extremely important to have your
Vellum development environment configured correctly, including having
correct dependency versions installed (see Vellum's for
instructions), before using this script to push changes to master.
This script assumes that the vellum-staging branch is in staging.yaml.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, join

import sh
from gitutils import get_git

VELLUM_TAR = "vellum.tar.gz"

def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("mode", choices=["staging", "master"],
help="Update vellum-staging or master.")
parser.add_argument("--vellum-dir", default=os.environ.get("VELLUM_DIR"),
help="Path to Vellum git repo on your local machine. Defaults to the "
"value of the VELLUM_DIR environment variable.")
parser.add_argument("--hq-base", metavar="BRANCH", default="master",
help="Reset to BRANCH before updating HQ (default: master). "
"This does nothing when mode is 'master'.")
parser.add_argument("--no-make", action="store_true",
help="Skip Vellum build (mutually exclusive with --no-test).")
parser.add_argument("--no-test", action="store_true",
help="Build Vellum, but do not run tests (mutually exclusive with --no-make).")
parser.add_argument("--push", action="store_true",
help="Push the result to HQ if everything else succeeds.")
args = parser.parse_args()

vellum_dir = args.vellum_dir
vellum_branch = args.mode
hq_dir = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
hq_branch = "vellum-staging" if args.mode == "staging" else args.mode

# validation
if not vellum_dir:
sys.exit("Please use --vellum-dir=... or set VELLUM_DIR in your environment")
if args.no_make and args.no_test:
sys.exit("--no-make and --no-test options are mutually exclusive. Pick one.")

if args.no_make:
print("Skipping Vellum build")
vellum_tar = join(vellum_dir, VELLUM_TAR)
if not exists(vellum_tar):
sys.exit("{} not found".format(vellum_tar))
elif args.mode == "master":
print("Using {}".format(vellum_tar))
ok = raw_input("Type 'ok' to continue: ")
if ok != "ok":
vellum_rev = ""
vellum_rev = build_vellum(vellum_dir, vellum_branch, not args.no_test)

update_hq(hq_dir, hq_branch, args.hq_base, vellum_dir, vellum_rev, args.push)
except sh.ErrorReturnCode as err:
print("Aborted due to error: {}".format(err))

def build_vellum(path, branch, test=True):
git = get_git(path)
require_clean_working_tree(git, path)
print("Checkout and fetch {} {}".format(path, branch))
require_branch_up_to_date(git, branch, context=path)

print("Building Vellum...")
make_args = ("test",) if test else ()
sh.make(_cwd=path, _out=sys.stdout, _err=sys.stderr, *make_args)

return str(git("rev-parse", "HEAD"))

def update_hq(path, branch, base_branch, vellum_dir, vellum_rev, push):
git = get_git(path)
require_clean_working_tree(git, path)

print("Checkout and fetch HQ {}".format(branch))

hq_vellum = join(path, "corehq/apps/app_manager/static/app_manager/js/vellum")
if branch != "master":
print("git reset --hard origin/" + base_branch)
git.reset("--hard", "origin/" + base_branch)
assert hq_vellum.startswith(path), (path, hq_vellum)
require_branch_up_to_date(git, "master", context=path)

print("Overwriting HQ Vellum with new build")
sh.rm("-rf", hq_vellum)
vellum_tar = join(vellum_dir, VELLUM_TAR)
sh.tar("xf", vellum_tar, "-C", hq_vellum)
git.add("--all", hq_vellum)

code =[
"git", "commit", "--edit", "--message=vellum:" + vellum_rev
], cwd=path)
if code != 0:

if push:
print("Pushing HQ origin/{}".format(branch))
opts = () if branch == "master" else ["-f"]
git.push("origin", branch, *opts)

def require_branch_up_to_date(git, branch, remote="origin", context="Your local", abort=sys.exit):
local_rev = git("rev-parse", branch).strip()
remote_rev = git("rev-parse", remote + "/" + branch).strip()
if local_rev != remote_rev:
abort("{context} '{branch}' and '{remote}/{branch}' have diverged"

def require_clean_working_tree(git, context="", abort=sys.exit):
git("update-index", "-q", "--ignore-submodules", "--refresh")
if context:
context = " in " + context

# Disallow unstaged changes in the working tree
git("diff-files", "--quiet", "--ignore-submodules", "--")
except sh.ErrorReturnCode:
abort("Aborting. You have unstaged changes{}.".format(context))

# Disallow uncommitted changes in the index
git("diff-index", "--cached", "--quiet", "HEAD", "--ignore-submodules", "--")
except sh.ErrorReturnCode:
abort("Aborting. You have uncommitted changes{}.".format(context))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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