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                  _        _
 _ __   __ _  ___| | _____(_)____
| '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / __| |_  /
| |_) | (_| | (__|   <\__ \ |/ /
| .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\___/_/___|


packsiz is a tiny, lightweight, hackable and permissively-licensed package
manager for Linux ( distributions.

packsiz is a re-implementation of packlim ( in
szl ( rather than Tcl

                                              Recursive dependencies resolution
  # packsiz install mutt                                        ||
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: verifying the package list         \/
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: building the package installation queue
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: iana-etc is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: linux-libre-headers is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: musl is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: ncurses is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: zlib is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: ca-certificates is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<warn>: libressl is already installed (!)
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: downloading fetchmail, msmtp and mutt
     [12/02 20:21:07]<debug>: (reading fetchmail-6.3.26.pkg)   /\
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: verifying fetchmail-6.3.26.pkg    ||
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: registering fetchmail             ||
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: extracting fetchmail-6.3.26.pkg   ||
     [12/02 20:21:07]<debug>: (reading msmtp-1.6.2.pkg)        ||
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: verifying msmtp-1.6.2.pkg         Parallel download
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: registering msmtp                 of all packages
     [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: extracting msmtp-1.6.2.pkg        in a dependency
     [12/02 20:21:07]<debug>: (reading mutt-1.5.23.pkg)        chain, before it
  /> [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: verifying mutt-1.5.23.pkg         gets installed
  || [12/02 20:21:07]<info>: registering mutt
  || [12/02 20:21:08]<info>: extracting mutt-1.5.23.pkg
  ||                              /\
 Digitally-signed packages        ||
                Support for multiple compression algorithms

                                                            Automatic removal
  # packsiz autoremove mutt                           /==== of unneeded packages
  [12/02 20:24:53]<info>: removing mutt              \/
  [12/02 20:24:53]<info>: looking for unneeded packages
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (libpcap cannot be removed; needed by tcpdump)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<info>: removing fetchmail
  [12/02 20:24:53]<info>: removing msmtp
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (zlib cannot be removed; needed by libressl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (ncurses cannot be removed; needed by nano)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (linux-libre-headers cannot be removed; needed by musl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (tinyalsa cannot be removed; needed by mpg123)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (libressl cannot be removed; needed by fetchmail)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (musl cannot be removed; needed by libpcap)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (ca-certificates cannot be removed; needed by libressl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (iana-etc cannot be removed; needed by musl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (looking for more unneeded packages)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (libpcap cannot be removed; needed by tcpdump)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (zlib cannot be removed; needed by libressl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (ncurses cannot be removed; needed by nano)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (linux-libre-headers cannot be removed; needed by musl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (tinyalsa cannot be removed; needed by mpg123)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (libressl cannot be removed; needed by tcpdump)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (musl cannot be removed; needed by libpcap)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (ca-certificates cannot be removed; needed by libressl)
  [12/02 20:24:53]<debug>: (iana-etc cannot be removed; needed by musl)

In addition, packsiz:
  - Supports installation of packages to a prefix other than /
  - Has a scripting interface

Scripting Interface

packsiz allows complex package management tasks through an interactive scripting
shell or scripts, using a szl API in the "packsiz" namespace.

For example:

  1) To list the packages available in a repository:
    $packsiz.available http://repository {}

  2) To remove a package:
    $packsiz.remove ca-certificates [$packsiz.installed]

  3) To remove all unneeded dependency packages:

packsiz uses all API internally as well; see its implementation for more usage

Missing Features

  - Support for multiple repositories - packsiz is designed for small
    distributions with one repository per architecture
  - Support for multiple architectures in one repository


  # git clone --recursive
  # cd packsiz
  # meson build
  # cd build
  # ninja
  # ninja install

Credits and Legal Information

packsiz is free and unencumbered software released under the terms of the MIT
license; see COPYING for the license text. For a list of its authors and
contributors, see AUTHORS.

The ASCII art logo at the top was made using FIGlet (