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Simple Regex Builder

A human-friendly regex builder.


npm i @diotoborg/aperiam-voluptatibus



ES modules

import { REGEX, SimpleRegexBuilder } from '@diotoborg/aperiam-voluptatibus';

CommonJS modules

const { REGEX, SimpleRegexBuilder} = require('@diotoborg/aperiam-voluptatibus');


A SimpleRegexBuilder is a mutable builder object.

const r = new SimpleRegexBuilder().global().ignoreCase();
// /^a\s{1,3}b$/gi

The regex object's sequence can be manipulated with the startsWith, endsWith, add and followedBy.

For convenience, the add and followedBy methods are synonymous.

end is the equivalent of endsWith('').

The regex modifiers can be manipulated with global, ignoreCase, multiline and unicode, which all receive a boolean parameter that defaults to true.

NOTE: The sticky modifier and lastIndex property of RegExp don't really make sense for a builder, if you need that functionality just build a RegExp object as described below and use that instead.

To reuse a partially developed builder, provide it as the argument to a new object's constructor, or use the clone method directly:

const base = new SimpleRegexBuilder().startsWith('abc');

const caseInsensitiveMatcher = new SimpleRegexBuilder(base).ignoreCase();
// /^abc/i

const globalMatcher = base.clone().global();
// /^abc/g

Building a RegExp object is done with either of the synonymous build or toRegExp methods:

const r = new SimpleRegexBuilder().add("rain").build();
const s = new SimpleRegexBuilder().add("spain").toRegExp();

For convenience, the RegExp class's exec, test and toString methods can be called directly on the SimpleRegexBuilder itself:

const r = new SimpleRegexBuilder().add("ain");
console.log(r.test('The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.'));
// true
console.log(r.exec('The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.'));
// [ 'ain', index: 5, input: 'The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.', groups: undefined ]


The REGEX object includes both constants and functions that accept strings, RegExp and SimpleRegexBuilder objects.

The REGEX object is a set of key/value pairs, where some of the values are strings and some of them functions.

// "."
// "[a-z0-9]"


Key Value Description
CHARACTERS_IN_SET ("abc") => "[abc]" Find any character between the brackets
CHARACTERS_NOT_IN_SET ("abc") => "[^abc]" Find any character NOT between the brackets
IN_SET ("abc","d[ef]*") => "(abc|d[ef]*)" Find any of the alternatives specified


Key Value Description
ANY_CHARACTER or ANY . Find a single character, except newline or line terminator
WORD_CHARACTER or WORD \w Find any word character, equivalent to [a-zA-Z_0-9]
NON_WORD_CHARACTER or NON_WORD \W Find a non-word character, equivalent to [^a-zA-Z_0-9]
DIGIT \d Find a digit
NON_DIGIT \D Find a non-digit character
WHITESPACE \s Find a whitespace character
NON_WHITESPACE \S Find a non-whitespace character
MATCH_WORD_BEGINNING_WITH ("word") => "\bword" Find a match at the beginning of a word
MATCH_WORD_ENDING_WITH ("word") => "word\b" Find a match at the end of a word
MATCH_WORD_BEGINNING_AND_ENDING_WITH ("word") => "\bword\b" Find a match for the whole word
MATCH_WORD_NOT_BEGINNING_WITH ("word") => "\Bword" Find a match for the word, but not if it's at the beginning of a word
MATCH_WORD_NOT_ENDING_WITH ("word") => "word\B" Find a match for the word, but not if it's at the end of a word
MATCH_WORD_NOT_BEGINNING_OR_ENDING_WITH ("word") => "\Bword\B" Find a match for the word, but not if it's at the beginning or end of a word
NULL_CHARACTER or NULL \0 Find a NULL character
NEW_LINE \n Find a new line character
FORM_FEED \f Find a form feed character
CARRIAGE_RETURN \r Find a carriage return character
TAB \t Find a tab character
VERTICAL_TAB \v Find a vertical tab character
OCTAL_NUMBER or OCT ("17") => "\17" Find the character specified by the given octal number
HEXADECIMAL_NUMBER or HEX_NUMBER or HEX ("1a") => "\x1a" Find the character specified by the given hexadecimal number
UNICODE_CHARACTER or UNICODE ("1F1EE", "1F1F1") => "\u{1F1EE}\u{1F1F1}" Find the Unicode character specified by a given hexadecimal number / numbers
WARNING: the unicode modifier must be provided in order for this to match


Quantifier methods accept regex in the form of strings, RegExp objects and SimpleRegexBuilder objects.

If the length of the given argument is greater than 1 then it will be enclosed in brackets, eg. ("n") => "n*" but ("abc") => "(abc)*".

Key Value Description
ONE_OR_MORE or AT_LEAST_ONE ("n") => "n+", Matches any string that contains at least one n
ZERO_OR_MORE ("n") => "n*" Matches any string that contains zero or more occurrences of n
ZERO_OR_ONE or OPTIONAL ("n") => "n?" Matches any string that contains zero or one occurrences of n
EXACTLY_X or EXACTLY_N or EXACTLY (2, "n") => "n{3}" Matches any string that contains a sequence of X n's
BETWEEN_X_AND_Y or BETWEEN_N_AND_M or BETWEEN: (1, 3, "n") => "n{1,3}" Matches any string that contains a sequence of X to Y n's
AT_LEAST_X or AT_LEAST_N or AT_LEAST (1, "n") => "n{1,}" Matches any string that contains a sequence of at least X n's
IS_FOLLOWED_BY or FOLLOWED_BY ("\s+term") => "(?=\s+term)" Matches any string that is followed by a specific string n
IS_NOT_FOLLOWED_BY or NOT_FOLLOWED_BY ("\s+term") => "(?!\s+term)" Matches any string that is followed by a specific string n
