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Diptis Halder

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I am a full-stack software developer specialising in Java and my most recent role was as a developer for an asset finance software company. I am a graduate of Makers Academy where I have acquired the coding skills and techniques to help me on my way to becoming a world-class programmer. I also have over 10 years of web product experience in a number of roles within multinational companies. Following a career change into programming I now have a passion to craft software, immerse myself in new technologies and continue to learn and grow.

I completed an undergraduate degree course in Engineering at Cambridge University and followed that with an MSc in Distributed Systems at the University of Kent. Since then I have worked in several web product roles for global companies and consumer brands. One of my product roles was at an online gambling operator in which I was responsible for delivering new products and features, optimising customer journeys and producing compelling landing pages for marketing teams. Prior to this I worked on mobile content retailing platforms for Vodafone customers in several markets.

My last role was as a Junior Software Engineer at Alfa Systems which is a leading provider of asset finance software, and it was my first since graduating from Makers Academy. In this role I delivered bug fixes and product enhancements to their Java software platform, putting into practice the skills I have gained in my training. I am seeking a new role in which I can build on my experience and continue delivering product solutions.


Title Description Technologies and frameworks Duration
What Zen For my final project at Makers our team of 5 built a task manager integrated with chat. It allows its community of users to manage tasks using a simple format which followed the Eisenhower Matrix, and chat about the tasks or issues in general. It is deployed at JavaScript, React, Node.js, Cypress, Travis CI, Firebase 2 weeks
Acebook This was my second team project at Makers, there were 4 of us in the team. The task was to build a clone of facebook. This time new requirements were given to us by the 'product owner' in Makers halfway through the project so we had to react in a very agile way to meet them. Ruby, Rails, RSpec, Heroku, Travis CI, Heroku 2 weeks
MakersBnB This was my first team project at Makers and it introduced me to the prevalent Agile methodologies. 5 of us built a clone of Airbnb, starting from initial concept and design, early MVP, several iterations of product and features through to final delivery in a very short timeframe. Ruby, Active Record ORM, RSpec, Travis CI, Heroku 1 week
Thermostat This was a project done as a pair programming challenge. I ensured that my pair and I initially did some object and process modelling before writing any code. This saved us a lot of time as we could transfer methods straight from our diagram into code and have a common reference which aided collaboration. JavaScript, jQuery, Jasmine 4 days
Connect 4 This is my solution to a codewars kata which models the game Connect 4. It is an ongoing project and I have been evolving the game algorithms over time. I have tested many scenarios for winning lines and it has been an excellent exercise in TDD. JavaScript, Node.js, Jasmine ongoing


Programming languages and frameworks

  • Java, JavaScript, Node.js, React, jQuery, Ruby, Sinatra, Rails, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS
  • JUnit, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber, RSpec, Capybara, Cypress


  • OOP, MVC, Clean Code, SOLID principles, object and process modelling
  • Agile: TDD, pair programming, teamwork processes, Scrum, Kanban
  • Project facilitation and collaboration using Agile boards, JIRA, Github and Confluence

UX and Design

  • I was sent by my company on a UX Fundamentals course at Webcredible as I was working closely with UX architects and desginers
  • I have experience of working with UX specs and wireframes, user-centric design and analysing customer journeys


  • I have strong skills in delivering high quality customer-focused propositions having worked on product portals for mobile content and online gambling
  • I worked closely with product management and marketing teams to create web products and landing pages which would drive customer acquisition and retention

Stakeholder management

  • In several roles I have interfaced and collaboarated effectively across many teams covering product, commercial, technical, project management and legal divisions of the companies
  • I ensured effective channels for feedback and follow-up actions to respond to changing business needs
  • I take pride in providing clear and timely updates on progress of user stories and projects, mindful of adapting the format, style and length based on audience and communication channel


Makers Academy (November 2018 - March 2019)

  • I passed an intensive software development bootcamp course at this world renowned institution in central London
  • Focus was on learning how to learn to code through individual and team projects following Agile best practice and processes
  • Emphasis also on maintaining a growth mindset, holistic personal development and mental well-being

University of Kent (1995 to 1996)

  • MSc in Distributed Systems
  • I completed a project in network management systems at BT Research Labs

Emmanuel College, Cambridge University (1991 to 1994)

  • BA Hons in Engineering
  • My final year subjects included computing and management


Alfa Systems (Sep 2019 to Sep 2020) - Junior Software Engineer
Delivered bug fixes and enhancements to the Java asset finance software product

Personal online software developer training (July 2018 to Oct 2018) - Self study
In preparation for the Makers Academy course

Kindred Group Plc (Nov 2010 to Jun 2017) - Product Delivery Manager
Delivered new products and features for several online gambling brands and extensions to the CMS platform

Vodafone Global Content Services (Dec 2008 to July 2010) - Product Manager
Managed the deployment of a digital retailing platform for mobile customers in eight Vodafone operating companies

Boltblue (Mar 2007 to Jun 2008) - Product Manager
Responsible for the rollout of products on a mobile content portal and launch into new markets

Proximus (Feb 2004 to Feb 2007) - Product Manager
Delivered a music download service to mobile customers and supported a large number of third-party content providers

Vodafone Group Plc (Oct 2000 to Mar 2003) - Technical Project Manager
Oversaw the deployment of products on Vodafone's first mobile internet content portal, including alerts and location based services

Reuters (Oct 1996 to Sep 2000) - Technical Project Manager
Responsible for network rollouts, router configurations and front-end applications to financial databases

In between certain roles I dedicated my time towards raising my children and in earlier years I spent time travelling in order to experience new cultures and landscapes. This has all helped me to grow as a person and broaden my perspectives.


  • Sport: I play football, squash and table tennis, and I am a keen follower of football, cricket and a few other sports.

  • Music: I enjoy attending music concerts when I can and I follow both established and new artists online.

Any other free time I have is taken up with caring for and entertaining my two young children and in turn my wife and wider community of family and friends.


my online CV






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