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Releases: dirtyredz/Dirty-Server-Manager

[ALPHA] Version 1.2.3

13 Sep 15:19
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Updated Server.ini default config options
Removed Enablerestart command
changed disablerestart command to work properly with how the auto restart cronjob works
new disablerestart feature, ./manager disablerestart 30 this will stop current restart sequence, and re start the sequence for 30 minutes.
apache_install will now properly stop galaxies running php webserver.
fixed error message in stop-web when php_server is not running
apache_intaller will now place backups config files prior to modifying the configs.
fixed manager always saying its out of date
help command now displays all available commands in the manager/ directory, with descriptions of each.

[ALPHA] Version 1.2.2

23 Aug 14:33
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fixed Player data retrieval script, was not getting all players
fixed Alliance data retrieval script, was not getting all alliances
added 3 options to the install script, StopWait,SaveWait, and StopDelay, that was previously missed in last update
player,alliance, and group scripts now use variables passed by the manager script
**update_manager now uses the same script for editing configs via web interface, the script will re add any missing comments and any missing options to the configs
Restart command now displays a message between stopping and Starting
removed password lockout on server config editor. (until I settup password protection on installation)
Added DeletePlayer button in console.(server needs to be offline)
Added -v option to start-web script, will output more information when failing to start webserver

when you update to this version, youll still be using the old Update_manager script, the updated script wont take effect until the next update for you.

[ALPHA] Version 1.2.1

08 Aug 03:32
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Fix editing server.ini with web interface, from breaking your server.ini
Editing any config through the web interface will now create a copy of the config for backup
Added complete Params to log and echo when starting server with -v
Fixed bug in stop command that was not updating the status banner
Added a message to profile parser page, notifing when the server has profiling disabled
Added StopWait,SaveWait, and StopDelay to stop command and manager-config.ini
Using the web interface will now add double qoutes around any string containing special charectors.
Fixed manager logger to display the files its exectuing and not repeating the command that was run.

[ALPHA] Version 1.2.0

06 Aug 13:05
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Moves Apache installer to avorion-manager/manager
separated commands from manager and added to avorion-manager/manager
updated todo link on about page to direct to github issues
fixed grep error when running status command with an offline server.
send command now checks if a /command was sent ie /say or /stop
Added Parser scripts to manager commands
Added parser verbose output when manually running scripts
Added verbose output for start command, will display additional info if server cant start, and more
Added (help) -h optional parameter, will display name/description of function
Added optional parameter -f to force specific features, like running update with -f will ignore current version checks, and reinstall
Added custom names for status banners, in PHPConfig.ini
Moved Banner Generator script to its own script, removed netstat dependency(will now use last reported /players from console).
Updated install script, to install all options and comments properly
Added Timed Broadcast's Options/script
Added Message Of The Day options
Added Sorting Option to PHPConfig.ini for players list on home screen
Added send mail to all members of a group, select the group from the drop down and hit send
Migrated Admins.xml parser into its own function
Refined Restart command to attempt restart 10 times, aswell as other improvments in the script
Added new option GalaxyDirectory, allowing you to set the location of your galaxies directory.
Fixed bug where redirects would send you to wrong address
Added Inputs on console page to delete a sector from the galaxies/sectors/ directory
Extended input on console to show last 100 lines of manager and status log when toggled
Added Start/Stop/Status buttons on console page, commands sent to the manager not the console.
Added Backup command: backup_galaxy, which will backup the entire galaxy directory. The command will only keep 10 backups.
Fixed a bug causing the php-server to crash if there was no playerchatlog available.
Fixed php-server saying it wasn't starting.
forced update command to perform the update twice in succession, to catch any thing missed during first update.

[ALPHA] version 1.1.7

08 Jul 04:56
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Added custom cronjob config options to manager-config.ini
removed old not working restart announcment and changed cronjob restart command to announce every 1minute for 15 minutes
Updated ApacheInstaller to ask for user/group, prior was setting it to root. witch would make the site inaccessible
Added option to manager-config to keep backups of the player/alliance data. OFF by default.
Added dropdown for viewing backups of Player data.
Fixed (i hope) UpdateManager script
optimized manager-config tab on server config page

[ALPHA] version 1.1.6

03 Jul 04:38
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Moved player count/list to server log
Added cronjob to refresh server log every 30seconds
Moved home chat to server log
Added toggle to console page to switch between console.log and server.log
Moved ServerINI and ManagerConfig Descriptions to ServerConfigController
./manager stop now uses server log instead of console log
Added server log location option in PHPConfig
Updated to not reset or delete previous options in config file_put_contents
Updated ApacheInstaller to reflect IP address
Added Profile Parser page, witch parses through profiling_stats.txt
Added mpm_itk support to ApacheInstall

Version [ALPHA]1.1.5

26 Jun 19:30
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Fixed HighScore.php being erased on update
Added commands enablerestart and disablerestart
Added manager options -d, -o, -b, -v
Added Mail parsing to player parser
Added Mail player page net worth to net worth column
Added Mail resources/money to player page
Added file detection to zlib decompressor
Fixed Session not renewing when the browser is left open for a long period of time
Changed display of graphs to include small definitions and better font styles
Changed font styles for configuration page
Updated help output of manager
Changed Alliance Icon
Improved zlib decompression script
Added Scripts memory graphs

Version [ALPHA]1.1.4

16 Jun 09:13
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Fixed player flags
Replaced grep command with php for loop in player list of home page
Added timestamp to home screen chatlog of Current server session(since last restart)
Added a "Send To All" button on the mail form.
Added Alliance Parsing
Added Alliance page
Added Alliance config options to PHPConfig.ini
Added Alliance to Players page
Added Alliance To players parser
Added Alliance Parser to cron job
Added manager-config options to adjust cronjob times for data parser scripts

Version [ALPHA]1.1.3

13 Jun 20:23
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Fixed IPAddress variable name in manager

Version [ALPHA]1.1.2

13 Jun 20:17
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Removed Hostname from manager