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8) Guild Streaming (JDA Building)

Florian Spieß edited this page Aug 19, 2018 · 2 revisions

Guild Streaming

Whenever a new JDA instance is created or an active session needs to be restarted (invalidated) all guilds will be added to an internal setup system. When this happens they go through the following stages:

0) Unavailable

When a bot account first starts up it receives all connected guilds (in the shard) with unavailable: true. Discord does this to prevent gigantic READY payloads, the guilds will be sent afterwards using GUILD_CREATE events.

1) Initialize

For all account types this will be the initial state a guild acquires when being added. Here we decide where we should sync, chunk, or ready. In this stage we just store the properties we received. Note that bot accounts will only enter this stage when the guild becomes available through GUILD_CREATE. When no GUILD_CREATE is received discord will instead inform us with a GUILD_DELETE that we should not wait for this guild and it will be marked unavailable and ignored for setup.

2) Guild Sync

Client accounts require an additional setup step because they are meant to only receive events when loaded (client efficiency). However to function properly as a bot we need to request a sync for them first. Once we receive the requested GUILD_SYNC we continue with chunking or ready

3) Chunking

When a guild is bigger it might now have all members in the initial payload which means we have to request additional members through a chunk request. Once all members are chunked we continue and ready

4) Ready

Now all properties including members have been loaded so we can finally create the Guild instance and add it to the cache. If the guild was from the initial READY we need to fire a GuildReadyEvent otherwise it was joined during runtime and we fire a GuildJoinEvent instead.

If all guilds are now ready we fire a ReadyEvent to inform our client. (in this case we ignore guilds that became unavailable during streaming)


If any guild becomes unavailable during these stages it is removed entirely from the setup process and ignored until it becomes available again through a GUILD_CREATE with unavailable: false.