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First build for Open Toolkit 2.4. Lightly tested but should work

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@drmacro drmacro released this 15 Nov 13:31
· 45 commits to develop since this release

This release reflects the first attempt to make the EPUB, HTML5, and HTML2 transforms work with Open Toolkit 2.4. The transforms appear to run correctly.

NOTE: These transforms will only work with OT 2.4 (and maybe later releases). They will not work with OT 1.8.5 as they depend on the new OT HTML5 transform and other OT 2.x-specific changes.

Migrating the code was much easier than I expected--I had to remove a few XSLT things that are simply not in the 2.4 HTML5 code base, replaced uses of getString with getVariable and updated a couple of template overrides where the overridden templates had changed.

The other change was to simply remove the use of the DITA Community preprocessing extensions, which neither work with OT 2.x nor should be necessary given new features to ensure result topic uniqueness. However, the base OT may need a bit of enhancement to really do topic uniqueness completely and correctly.

If you do not have any reused topics then it's no problem at all. If you do have reused topics there may be issues with EPUB generation in that you can end up with multiple references to the same HTML result file, which is a violation of EPUB3 rules (although readers don't seem to mind).