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If you have not seen the site: It's a zoomable version of the comic xkcd 1110 (

Here is the code that runs on It includes the script necessary for converting the 2048x2048 sized xkcd tiles into the format required for leaflet (the javascript library that renders the map).


Get the tiles from xkcd. While you may fetch them yourself, it's much simpler to use on of the available collections. The easiest way is to clone xkcd_grab.

Put all png files into the tiles/ directory. The run (make sure you have PIL (Python Imaging Library) installed.

This will generate 19000 256x256 png files in the directory converted. These files can be used as a tile layer in leaflef.

The size of the comic requires tiles up to a zoomlevel of 10. This would require 1.4 million tile files. Since most of the tiles are either white (top half) of black (bottom half), I created a small flask based server that returns black or white png images if the corresponding tile file is not pregenerated.


Install flask. The easiest way is to create a new virtualenv environment and install flask in there:

$ virtualenv env
$ env/bin/activate
$ easy_install flask

Then run Your version of the map is now available on http://localhost:5000


I expected some traffic, so I used several tools I already knew (for example in building geolua to make my live easier. My server is an Hetzner EQ4 (quadcore i7 with 8gb ram). I already had Nginx installed to dispatch to some of my other projects. So I added a new virtual host to forward incoming requests to my test openvz container. I also disabled the access.log.

I installed Varnish in there. If you did now know about Varnish, be sure to check it out. It's a very fast reverse proxy. So it sits between the user and your webserver and handles caching.

All of the tile images are fully cachable, so I forwarded incoming requests to varnish. I used the default config of varnish, except forcing cache lookups for every request. This makes sure varnish tries to cache requests that include cookie headers (normally not a good idea):

backend default {
    .host = "";
    .port = "8000";

sub vcl_recv {
    return (lookup);

I gave varnish 1G of ram (using -s malloc,1G). This was enough to hold the working set in memory. So most the the requests where handled by varnish without hitting the python server.

Since a single flask instance would probably not survive the cache warming phase, I used gunicorn. It is a WSGI server written in python.

$ easy_install gunicorn
$ gunicorn --max-requests=10000 -w 10 export:app

This will start gunicorn. It will fork 10 worker processes each handling 10000 requests before being restarted.


The site generated ~600k visits (I don't have exact numbers, since access.logs where disabled and I only added analytics later).

I estimate the number of total requests received to be around 900 million.

At peak time the 100Mbit connection of my server was saturated. Here is the output (stripped) of varnishstat (I restarted varnish several times to flush the tile cache):

    57811856     12473.01     10284.98 Client connections accepted
    57790147     12472.01     10281.11 Client requests received
    57205492     12424.05     10177.10 Cache hits
      433054        34.97        77.04 Cache misses
      403239        47.96        71.74 Backend conn. success
      180453         0.00        32.10 Backend conn. failures
          64         0.00         0.01 Fetch head
      403101        47.96        71.71 Fetch with Length
      100000          .            .   N struct sess_mem
      749561          .            .   N struct sess
      254184          .            .   N struct object
      254255          .            .   N struct objectcore
      253958          .            .   N struct objecthead
           0          .            .   N struct vbe_conn
          71          .            .   N worker threads
         128         0.00         0.02 N worker threads created
        6799         0.00         1.21 N overflowed work requests
        1088         0.00         0.19 N dropped work requests
           1          .            .   N backends
           7          .            .   N expired objects
    25049293          .            .   N LRU moved objects
    57693417     12456.03     10263.91 Objects sent with write
    57809330     12472.01     10284.53 Total Sessions
    57790147     12472.01     10281.11 Total Requests
      151600        12.99        26.97 Total pass
      403165        47.96        71.72 Total fetch
 14264551135   3080996.78   2537724.81 Total header bytes
 35593478205   7790593.82   6332232.38 Total body bytes
    57809314     12472.01     10284.52 Session Closed
        1470         0.00         0.26 Session herd
  2322113128    499462.00    413113.88 SHM records
   231630759     49944.00     41208.11 SHM writes
    15408981      3100.27      2741.32 SHM MTX contention
         830         0.00         0.15 SHM cycles through buffer
      657292        82.93       116.94 SMA allocator requests
      508368          .            .   SMA outstanding allocations
   225152727          .            .   SMA outstanding bytes
   317287631          .            .   SMA bytes allocated
    92134904          .            .   SMA bytes free
      181489         0.00        32.29 SMS allocator requests
    75554336          .            .   SMS bytes allocated
    75862402          .            .   SMS bytes freed
      403228        47.96        71.74 Backend requests made
           1         0.00         0.00 N vcl total
           1         0.00         0.00 N vcl available
           1          .            .   N total active purges
           1         0.00         0.00 N new purges added
    56214387     12138.31     10000.78 HCB Lookups without lock
      431915        33.97        76.84 HCB Lookups with lock
      431912        33.97        76.84 HCB Inserts
        1438         0.00         0.26 Accept failures
           2         0.00         0.00 Connection dropped late
        5621         1.00         1.00 Client uptime

Total traffic so far is around 800GB. Since 10 TB is included for my server, that's not a problem.

It would have cost me around $900 had I used cloudfront :-)

I tried coralcdn at peak time for 5% of all visitors. It generated too many 503 responses so I disabled it again.


After the request rate went down I updated the setup again. Now it only requires nginx which I have running anyway.

I'm using a regex rule for the upper half of each zoom level. If the requested tile if not available it falls back to the the white default png. In the last rule, which then matches all remaining requests for tiles, it falls back to the black default tile.

I generated the regex patterns with a simple "range to regex" tool (r2r.c) I wrote 10 years ago :-)

Here is the nginx config:

server {
    listen 80;

    location ~ ^/converted/((1-[0-9]*-(0)).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((2-[0-9]*-([01])).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((3-[0-9]*-([0-3])).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((4-[0-9]*-([0-7])).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((5-[0-9]*-(([0-9])|1([0-5]))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((6-[0-9]*-(([0-9])|[12][0-9]|3([01]))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((7-[0-9]*-(([0-9])|[1-5][0-9]|6([0-3]))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((8-[0-9]*-((([0-9])|[1-9][0-9])|1([01][0-9]|2([0-7])))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((9-[0-9]*-(((([0-9]))|([1-9])([0-9]))|(1)([0-9][0-9])|2(([0-4])([0-9])|5(([0-5]))))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/((10-[0-9]*-(((([0-9]))|([1-9])([0-9]))|([1-4])([0-9][0-9])|5((0)([0-9])|1(([01]))))).png)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /white.png;
        expires max;

    location ~ ^/converted/(.*)$ {
        alias /var/www/$1;
        error_page 404 =200 /black.png;
        expires max;

    location / {
        alias /var/www/;


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