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Task Week1

Praveen Varma edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

Create your profile!

For this task we want you to create something personal, your very own Profile! The task is quite simple, you have to replicate the image shown below using the different Widgets you read about till now and a few others. Feel free to customize however you want, just make sure all the components given below are present.

Documenting your work

To submit your work for this task, follow these steps :

Create a folder named Task 1 We need you to add only the assets, lib folders, the pubspec.yaml file, and a screenshot of your app. Please note that you have to add all these files and folder in the Task 1 folder. Make sure that you document your progress, in the Markdown file that you created in Task 0, in the following format:

# Week 1

## Task Description:
// task description here

## App Screenshots:
// app screenshots here, please note than the screenshots should be appropriate in size so that they take a maximum of 2 rows.
// the number of screenshots to be added is entirely up to you, but make sure than there is at least one.

## Packages/Assets Used:
// mention all the packages and assets used