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Task 0: Your first flutter app

Divyansh Kulshreshtha edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Task 0

It's time for your first task for the Bootcamp! Please note that you will be using Git and GitHub for this task, so we hope that you have familiarised your self with the resources on Git provided in the wiki. if you have still not, please go through it by clicking on this link.


  1. Clone this repository, open the folder week0 in VSCode

  2. Create a branch having your name like Divyansh-Kulshreshtha

  3. Find the file in your project structure. Delete everything inside it and just make h1 heading named Week 0 and below it add a small 4 line summary describing everything you did this week.

    • The .md file is called a "markdown file", it is used to make informative documents in your repository read more on Markdown Syntax
  4. Your task is to make the app look like this:

Scan the main.dart file, use google, and try to implement these changes inside your app.

  1. Once done commit your changes with the commit message Task#0: Done

  2. Push the changes to your branch, not to the main branch git push origin <your-name>

Note: Instructions on creating a new branch, adding and committing changes is given to you in the Readme. You can also refer to the Intro to git and github to revise