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Django Project Templet for CN


  • Python 3.x +
  • Django 4.x +


  • Basemodels
    # from templet.basemodels import BaseModelMixin
    from django_models_ext import BaseModelMixin
    class OrderInfo(BaseModelMixin):
  • Command
    • sendredpack/transfers
  • Email Server Error
    • When DEBUG is False, Django will email the users listed in the ADMINS setting
    • whenever your code raises an unhandled exception and results in an internal server error (HTTP status code 500)
    • Request api /uniapi/error to test.
    • If mail not send, may limited by mail service.
  • JSON Response
    from utils.error.errno_utils import ProfileStatusCode
    # from utils.error.response_utils import response
    from django_response import response
    def response_templet(request):
        # return response(ProfileStatusCode.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND)
        return response()
  • Redis Usage
    from utils.redis.connect import r
    # r.keys()
  • V Token
    • Decorator check vtoken
        from django.conf import settings
        from django.shortcuts import render
        from templet.decorators import check_token
        def render_template_func(request):
            return render(request, 'template_file_path', {
                'domain': settings.DOMAIN,
                'params': '{0}={1}&vtoken={2}'.format(settings.TOKEN_CHECK_KEY, 'token_check_key', request.GET.get('vtoken', '')),
      • template.html
        {{ domain }}/xxx?{{ params|safe }}
  • WeChat OAuth2 & JSAPI


  • MultipleObjectsReturned & get_or_create()
    model, created = Model.objects.select_for_update().get_or_create(arg1=arg1, arg2=arg2)
    • Kwargs for get_or_create should be unique. Use unique/unique_together
      • unique
        field = models.CharField(_(u'field'), max_length=255, blank=True, null=True, help_text=u'field_text', db_index=True, unique=True)
      • unique_together
        field1 = models.CharField(_(u'field1'), max_length=32, blank=True, null=True, help_text=u'field1_text', db_index=True)
        field2 = models.CharField(_(u'field2'), max_length=32, blank=True, null=True, help_text=u'field2_text', db_index=True)
        class Meta:
            verbose_name = _(u'verbose_name')
            verbose_name_plural = _(u'verbose_name_plural')
            unique_together = (
                ('field1', 'field2'),
    • 1071, ‘Specified key was too long; max key length is 767/1000/3072 bytes’
      Prefix support and lengths of prefixes (where supported) are storage engine dependent.
      For example, a prefix can be up to 767 bytes long for InnoDB tables or 3072 bytes if the innodb_large_prefix option is enabled.
      For MyISAM tables, the prefix limit is 1000 bytes.
      The NDB storage engine does not support prefixes (see Section, “Unsupported or Missing Features in NDB Cluster”).
      • 13.1.14 CREATE INDEX Syntax
      • Solutions
        • Execute SQL in dbshell
          alter ignore table table_name add unique index(field(255));
        • Decrease CharField's max_length