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Cannonball FAQ

reassembler edited this page Mar 24, 2021 · 25 revisions

Firstly, read the Manual.

I found a bug!

  • Please report it here.
  • Please do not report bugs related to the non-Windows ports, as I don't maintain these. Please speak with the appropriate port owners.
  • Feature requests to Discussions please!

How do I use my Controller?

  • Plug in the controller and start CannonBall.
  • Use the cursor keys to navigate the menu and 'Z' to select.
  • Choose Settings
  • Choose Controls
  • Gamepad Found should be displayed in the top left of the screen. If it isn't then something has gone wrong.
  • Choose Configure GamePad
  • Toggle Analog On if you have an analog thumb-stick, and/or analog controls for accelerate and brake.
  • Choose Redefine Gamepad and configure the buttons, if you aren't happy with the defaults.
  • You can also edit config.xml to configure dead-zones and more advanced options.

Can you implement feature X?

Maybe. Some of the best ideas have come from the community. Feel free to post in the Discussions forum if you have ideas or suggestions. However, as this is a hobby project, I don't have a huge amount of time to work on it. So please don't be offended if I take a million years to implement something!

The source code is available so there's nothing to stop anyone implementing features or making changes providing they abide by the license.