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Distilled Networks

dkappe edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 45 revisions


I have completed the 32930 net distilled to 112x9-se and the Ender128-90l net distilled to 112x9-se.



Once I have the sweet spot, I'll need to optimize the distillation process and then distill Ender as well. I also have some search changes that will help on low nodes and cpu. My goal is to beat Ethereal 1CPU. Still about 200-250 elo short.


In an attempt to find the dimensions that work best on CPU, I've been distilling the test 10 network, ID11258 down to various sized se networks. (The version of the training code I’m using for distillation can be found here.)

Other distilled networks:

And scs-ben’s other small networks.

Also, the old "main line" nets are a bit hard to find. I have a pb.gz version of 598 here.

"Turbo" Network

I distilled a 200x20-se network under the assumption that it would be as strong as the 256x20 and faster. Well, not quite. Maybe it needs to be a little bigger. 216x20? Maybe someone can figure out what to do with it.

   # PLAYER                  :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)  CFS(%)    W    D    L  D(%)
   1 ID11258                 :       0     22    22.0      40  55.0      94    5   34    1  85.0
   2 ID11258-200x20-se-10    :     -35     22    18.0      40  45.0     ---    1   34    5  85.0

11258 Focused Tournament

To support my hunt for the best dimensions, I've narrowed the tournament to just 11258 derived nets and anchor engines.

   # PLAYER               :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)  CFS(%)    W    D    L  D(%)
   1 ethereal             :    3256     36   419.5     477  87.9     100  375   89   13  18.7
   2 ID11258-112x9-se     :    2988     26   301.0     497  60.6      64  203  196   98  39.4
   3 ID11258-120x9-se     :    2981     29   222.0     369  60.2      57  153  138   78  37.4
   4 ID11258-104x9-se     :    2977     30   230.5     388  59.4      51  161  139   88  35.8
   5 ID11258-80x7-se      :    2977     30   206.5     348  59.3      69  139  135   74  38.8
   6 ID11258-112x10-se    :    2966     29   229.5     392  58.5      51  156  147   89  37.5
   7 ID11258-64x6-se      :    2966     27   232.0     399  58.1      58  162  140   97  35.1
   8 ID36092              :    2961     33   183.5     319  57.5      55  121  125   73  39.2
   9 ID11258-128x9-se     :    2958     30   187.5     331  56.6      71  123  129   79  39.0
  10 crafty25.2           :    2946     26   268.5     474  56.6      51  216  105  153  22.2
  11 ID11258-120x10-se    :    2946     26   269.5     476  56.6      52  188  163  125  34.2
  12 ID11258-96x8-se-5    :    2945     26   271.0     479  56.6      55  188  166  125  34.7
  13 cheng4               :    2942     28   200.5     376  53.3      60  147  107  122  28.5
  14 ID11258-128x10-se    :    2937     26   250.5     453  55.3      92  167  167  119  36.9
  15 ID11258-48x5-se      :    2909     29   194.0     383  50.7      75  130  128  125  33.4
  16 amoeba               :    2895     29   183.5     387  47.4      94  132  103  152  26.6
  17 ID50417              :    2850     49    61.0     137  44.5      98   34   54   49  39.4
  18 ID11258-32x4-se      :    2787     30   132.0     374  35.3      99   80  104  190  27.8
  19 winter               :    2731     31   109.5     395  27.7      89   70   79  246  20.0
  20 ID11258-24x3-se      :    2703     31   111.5     423  26.4     100   75   73  275  17.3
  21 crafty19.18          :    2591     35    85.5     482  17.7     100   52   67  363  13.9
  22 ID11258-16x2-se-4    :    2408     52    28.0     395   7.1     ---   13   30  352   7.6

White advantage = 45.74 +/- 4.89
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 38.06 % +/- 0.90

Incomplete and Imperfect CPU Tournament

For a sense of strength, here a tournament, 2+2, Noomen 3, played twice, no tb. (Used ccrl loose anchors for ab engines.)

   # PLAYER                   :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)  CFS(%)    W    D    L  D(%)
   1 ethereal                 :    3260     40   451.0     502  89.8     100  412   78   12  15.5
   2 ID11258-112x9-se         :    2979     35   253.5     407  62.3      90  180  147   80  36.1
   3 crafty25.2               :    2952     31   339.0     540  62.8      64  273  132  135  24.4
   4 ID11248-128x10-se        :    2946     29   338.5     566  59.8      52  251  175  140  30.9
   5 ID36092                  :    2945     36   199.0     332  59.9      63  131  136   65  41.0
   6 ID35689                  :    2937     35   217.5     360  60.4      57  152  131   77  36.4
   7 ID11258-96x8-se-5        :    2934     31   281.0     490  57.3      72  197  168  125  34.3
   8 ID35975                  :    2923     32   251.0     436  57.6      57  171  160  105  36.7
   9 ID36089                  :    2919     36   182.0     321  56.7      54  111  142   68  44.2
  10 cheng4                   :    2917     37   164.0     293  56.0      67  124   80   89  27.3
  11 ID11258-128x10-se        :    2905     44   114.0     203  56.2      52   78   72   53  35.5
  12 ID11258-128x10-se-swa    :    2904     56    44.0      79  55.7      64   29   30   20  38.0
  13 amoeba                   :    2891     34   170.5     332  51.4      68  116  109  107  32.8
  14 scs-64x8-run1-550000     :    2881     36   155.0     307  50.5      83  106   98  103  31.9
  15 192x10-se-net58          :    2857     39   133.0     255  52.2     100   90   86   79  33.7
  16 ID11248-256x12-se        :    2743     39   106.5     307  34.7      60   54  105  148  34.2
  17 winter                   :    2737     35   104.5     318  32.9      53   64   81  173  25.5
  18 ID9149                   :    2735     41   100.0     267  37.5      57   62   76  129  28.5
  19 ID11258-24x3-se          :    2712    250     0.5       2  25.0      51    0    1    1  50.0
  20 ID11258-24x3-se-swa      :    2706    259     0.5       2  25.0      74    0    1    1  50.0
  21 ID11258                  :    2615     43    68.5     284  24.1      65   39   59  186  20.8
  22 crafty19.18              :    2605     36   123.5     539  22.9     100   79   89  371  16.5
  23 ID11258-16x2-se-3        :    2453     53    38.0     287  13.2      52   19   38  230  13.2
  24 ID11258-16x2-se-4        :    2451     50    40.0     321  12.5     ---   18   44  259  13.7

White advantage = 42.08 +/- 5.20
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 39.19 % +/- 0.97

What is Knowledge Distillation?

First, let me point you at a decent article.

A brief discription:

When you train a network, you feed it the history and position info and the value (game outcome) and policy from the move made (supervised learning) or the policy values from the 800 node search. In distilling, you use regular training data for history and position info, but value and policy comes from the teacher network. And yes, you could distill to a bigger network.

Installing on CPU System

You will need a recent lc0 executable to run the nets. You can find v0.20.1 here

If you are running on cpu, you want the blas flavor.

As far as setting it up, it’s a uci engine. Point your GUI at it. The three uci options worth changing are:

option name WeightsFile type string default <autodiscover>

You’ll want to point it at wherever you placed the .pb.gz weights file.

option name DirichletNoise type check default false

You’ll want to set this to true to get a little variety in play.

option name SyzygyPath type string default

You want a semicolon separated list of dirs where you keep your endgame tablebases.

Best of luck.