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Forward-in-time simulation of haplotype recombination, in multiple populations with admixture.


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Copyright 2012 Darren Kessner

simrecomb simulates and tracks individual haplotype blocks, with specified recombination maps,
in multiple populations with admixture.  The simulation tags each haplotype block with an identifier,
which includes information about the source population, individual, chromosome pair and chromosome parent.


Building simrecomb:

simrecomb uses the Boost C++ libraries, as well as the Boost build system, i.e. you will need
to install Boost before building simrecomb.  To build, run "bjam" from the project directory, where
it will find Jamroot for the build instructions.  Executables will be placed in the "bin" subdir.


First run from the project directory:

bin/simrecomb default > config.txt
bin/simrecomb config.txt output

You should see the configuration file "config.txt" now, as well as the "output" directory, containing
output from the simulation.


Explanation of the default configuration file:

geneticMapFilenames 3
geneticMapFilename genetic_map_chr21_b36.txt
geneticMapFilename genetic_map_chr21_b36.txt
geneticMapFilename genetic_map_chr21_b36.txt

These lines specify the genetic map file(s) -- in this case, it is the same file, used for
3 chromosomes.


generation 0
population size=0 populationID=0
population size=10000 populationID=1 chromosomePairCount=3
population size=10000 populationID=2 chromosomePairCount=3

Initial generation, with 3 populations, specified population sizes, population
ids, and # of chromosome pairs per individual.


generation 1
population size=10000 populationID=0 matingDistribution={<0.64|1,1><0.32|1,2><0.04|2,2>}

Specifies admixture from populations 1 and 2 in the previous generation 0, to
create population 0 in generation 1.  The mating distribution specifies the joint distribution
of parent populations used to create individuals in this new population.  In this case, it
is equivalent to 80% population 1, 20% population 2, with random mating:  64% both parents from pop1,
32% one parent each from pop1 and pop2, 4% both parents from pop2.


generation 2
population size=10000 populationID=0 matingDistribution={<1|0,0>}

Create new population 0 from previous population 0, i.e. random mating.


Explanation of output:

simulationConfig.txt:  parsed and rewritten configuration
log.txt:  full log of the simulation
population_full.txt:  individuals of the final generation

This is a single chromosome:
+ { (0,<2,2127,0,1>) (14762956,<1,5503,0,0>) (15162040,<1,620,0,1>) (27852411,<1,8832,0,1>) }

+/- indicate which chromosome of the chromosome pair.  This one has 4 haplotype blocks, starting
at positions 0, 14762956, 15162040, 27852411.  The identity of the first block is <2,2127,0,1>, meaning
that it is from population 2, individual 2127, 0th chromosome pair, chromosome 1 of the pair 
(here encoded {0,1} instead of +/-).


Attaching SNP data to simrecomb output:

The tool recombine_data (also built with simrecomb) can be used to combine the output from
simrecomb with the output from Hudson's ms tool.  ms is used to generate SNP data for the 
ancestral populations, which is then mapped to haplotypes in the starting generation of
simrecomb.  recombine_data outputs SNP data for the final admixed population, whose individuals' 
chromosomes are mosaics of haplotypes from the initial population.

Running recombine_data with no arguments will give the usage information.


Forward-in-time simulation of haplotype recombination, in multiple populations with admixture.







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