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dkim19375 edited this page Sep 6, 2021 · 2 revisions


Here you can find a simple guide to setup a bedwars game!

In this example, I'll just make a simple map (since I can't build) with 4 teams.

Setting up the map

First, you'll have to make a world for the game. I'm using Multiverse, so I ran /mvcreate BedwarsGame normal -t flat or if you have CleanroomGenerator you can use /mvcreate BedwarsGame normal -g CleanroomGenerator:. to generate an empty map.

Then teleport to the world. With Multiverse it'd be /mvtp BedwarsGame. Once you did, you can now run the command /bedwars create (or /bw create) to create a game in the world you are currently standing in.

"Successfully created a game!"

Setting up lobbies and the spectator location

To setup the main lobby (players will be teleported here when the game ends), stand in the location and run /bedwars lobby, or /bedwars lobby none to remove it.

To setup the lobby in-game (players will be teleported here when they join the game), run /bedwars setup BedwarsGame lobby or /bedwars setup lobby.

To set the spectator location, it's very similar: /bedwars setup spec.

Setting up the teams

Since I'm setting up a game with 4 teams, I'll use the colors Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. The available teams are Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Aqua, White, Pink, and Gray.

To create a team, stand in the team spawn location and run /bedwars setup team add Red. Repeat this process until you have created spawns for each team.

We'll also have to setup beds for each team. To do this, stand on the bed and run /bedwars setup bed add Red. Repeat this until you have setup the beds for each team.

Helpful Tip: You can use /bw setup ready to see if you can save your game. Right now, if you run the command you should see this:

So next we'll setup the spawners!

Setting up the spawners

You can have iron, gold, diamond, and emerald spawners.

To create a spawner, run the command /bedwars setup spawner add iron. Repeat this until you have created all the spawners you want. If you mess up, stand near the spawner and run /bedwars setup spawner remove. (The other commands also have a parameter to remove, too)

Now, if you do /bedwars setup ready, there's only the shop villagers remaining! Almost done :)

Setting up the shop/upgrade villagers

There are two types of NPCs: Shop villagers and Upgrade villagers.

Shop villagers give items in the shop.yml. Usually it'd include items such as blocks, tools, etc.

Upgrade villagers do not give items, but give upgrades, such as sharpness and protection enchantments.

To create a shop villager, run /bedwars setup shop add while facing the villager. The villager will automatically look towards you once you add the shop. You can also run /bedwars setup shop add tp (or /bedwars setup shop add teleport) to make the villager teleport to your location.

Once you did that, and you run /bedwars setup ready, you'll see this:

So now, only one more thing to go: Saving!

Saving the game

To save the game, simply run /bedwars save. If you see this message:

then you're all set! You can use /bedwars list to see all your games, /bedwars join BedwarsGame to join the game, /bedwars quickjoin to join a starting (or random) game, and more! Be sure to check out the commands page.

If you want to change the minimum/maximum players, just run /bedwars setup minplayers 2 or /bedwars setup maxplayers 2.

If you want to edit the game, simply run /bedwars edit BedwarsGame. Make sure to save it afterwards, or else your hard work will be lost..