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Mushroom App - Automation

In this tutorial we will put all the components we built for our Mushroom App together. We will then apply Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) methods to test, execute, monitor, deploy, and scale these components. All of these steps will be automated based on workflow using GitHub Actions. Here are the components we have built for our Mushroom App:

  • Data Collector: Scraps image from the internet and stores them into a raw folder.
  • Data Processor: Checks images for duplicates, validate image formats, converts images to TF Records
  • Model Training: Submits training jobs to Vertex AI to train models
  • Model Deploy: Updates trained models signature with preprocessing logic added to it. Upload model to Vertex AI Model Registry and Deploy model to Model Endpoints.
  • API Service: FastAPI service to expose APIs to the frontend.
  • Frontend: React Frontend for the mushroom app.


  • Have Docker installed
  • Cloned this repository to your local machine with a terminal up and running
  • Check that your Docker is running with the following command

docker run hello-world

Install Docker

Install Docker Desktop

Ensure Docker Memory

  • To make sure we can run multiple container go to Docker>Preferences>Resources and in "Memory" make sure you have selected > 4GB

Install VSCode

Follow the instructions for your operating system.
If you already have a preferred text editor, skip this step.

Setup Environments

In this tutorial we will setup a container to manage:

  • Building docker images.
  • Uploading Docker images ot GCR.
  • Running ML jobs using Vertex AI pipelines.
  • Deploying app containers to Kubernetes clusters

Clone the github repository

  • Clone repo from here

API's to enable in GCP for Project

Search for each of these in the GCP search bar and click enable to enable these API's

  • Vertex AI API
  • Compute Engine API
  • Service Usage API
  • Cloud Resource Manager API
  • Google Container Registry API
  • Kubernetes Engine API

Setup GCP Service Account for deployment

  • Here are the step to create a service account:
  • To setup a service account you will need to go to GCP Console, search for "Service accounts" from the top search box. or go to: "IAM & Admins" > "Service accounts" from the top-left menu and create a new service account called "deployment".
  • Give the following roles:
  • For deployment:
    • Compute Admin
    • Compute OS Login
    • Container Registry Service Agent
    • Kubernetes Engine Admin
    • Service Account User
    • Storage Admin
    • Vertex AI Administrator
  • Then click done.
  • This will create a service account
  • On the right "Actions" column click the vertical ... and select "Create key". A prompt for Create private key for "deployment" will appear select "JSON" and click create. This will download a Private key json file to your computer. Copy this json file into the secrets folder.
  • Rename the json key file to deployment.json

Your folder structure should look like this:


Replace GCP project id

The following files will need to be modified to replace the GCP project ac215-project to your GCP project id.

  • inventory.yml
  • inventory-prod.yml
  • or docker-shell.bat

Ensure Kubernetes Cluster is Up

We deployed our mushroom app to a Kubernetes cluster in the previous tutorial. In order to perform Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment we will assume the cluster already exists. If your cluster is not running, follow these steps to get it created and running:

Run deployment container

  • cd into deployment
  • Go into or docker-shell.bat and change GCP_PROJECT to your project id
  • Run sh or docker-shell.bat for windows

Build and Push Docker Containers to GCR (Google Container Registry)

Run this step only if you did not build + push images to GCR in our last tutorial.

ansible-playbook deploy-docker-images.yml -i inventory.yml

Create & Deploy Cluster

Run this step if you do not have a Kubernetes cluster running.

ansible-playbook deploy-k8s-cluster.yml -i inventory.yml --extra-vars cluster_state=present

View the App (If you have a domain)

  • Copy the nginx_ingress_ip from the terminal from the create cluster command
  • Go to your domain provider and in the DNS settings create a mapping from domain name to the nginx_ingress_ip
  • Example: ->
  • App url:

View the App (If you do not have a domain)

  • Copy the nginx_ingress_ip from the terminal from the create cluster command

  • Go to http://<YOUR INGRESS IP>

  • Example:

Delete Cluster

ansible-playbook deploy-k8s-cluster.yml -i inventory.yml --extra-vars cluster_state=absent

Setup GitHub Action Workflow Credentials

In this step we need to setup credentials in GitHub so that we can perform the following functions in GCP:

  • Push docker images to GCR
  • Run Vertex AI pipeline jobs
  • Update kubernetes deployments


  • Go to the repo Settings
  • Select "Secrets and variable" from the left side menu and select "Actions"
  • Under "Repository secrets" click "New repository secret"
  • For the value copy+paste the contents of your secrets file deployment.json

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is a set of principles and practices in software development and operations aimed at frequently delivering code changes reliably and efficiently.

Continuous Integration (CI): Practice of regularly integrating code changes from multiple developers into a shared repository. The main goal is to detect integration issues early by automatically testing and building the code whenever a change is made. CI ensures that the codebase is always in a functional state.

Continuous Delivery (CD): This is an extension of CI, focusing on automating the delivery of applications to various environments, like staging or testing, in a way that they can be released to production at any time. The emphasis is on ensuring that the software can be deployed to a production environment and is ready for release but does not necessarily release it to the end users automatically.

Continuous Deployment (CD): This takes the automation a step further by automatically deploying code changes to production after they pass all the automated tests in the deployment pipeline. This approach allows for a rapid release cycle and is commonly used in scenarios where rapid deployment and iteration are essential.

Frontend & Backend Changes

We have a GitHub Action that will build and deploy a new version of the app when a git commit has a comment /run-deploy-app

  • Open the file src / api-service / api /
  • Update the version in line 90:
async def get_api_status():
    return {
        "version": "2.1",
        "tf_version": tf.__version__,
  • Open the file src / frontend-react / src / services / Common.js
  • Update the version in line 2:
export const APP_VERSION = 1.1;

To run the deploy app action, add the following to code commit comment:

  • Add /run-deploy-app to the commit message to re-deploy the frontend and backend (do this outside the container)

ML Component Changes

We can make changes to ML code and commit to GitHub and invoke running ML Tasks in Vertex AI

To run Vertex AI Pipelines on code commits, add the following to code commit comment:

  • Add /run-ml-pipeline to the commit message to run the entire Vertex AI ML pipeline
  • Add /run-data-collector to the commit message to run the data collector ML pipeline
  • Add /run-data-processor to the commit message to run the data processor ML pipeline