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ConfigCache and PSet configuration uploaded to CouchDB

Alan Malta Rodrigues edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 1 revision

[Work in progress]

As part of the effort to migrate the WM system to python3, we needed to decouple multiple systems from their current python version. Among those services, we can list all the machinery responsible for injecting workflows in the WM system, where a job configuration (PSet file) needs to be created, tweaked (where WMCore source code was used), and inserted into central CouchDB. That layer has been updated (thanks to Justinas!) and the ReReco, RelVal and McM (and wmcontrol) machinery no longer has any dependency on WMCore libraries, they have now migrated to lite versions of the TweakMaker and ConfigCache modules.

This repository contains the lite version modules implemented and already adopted by the production Offline services: and some further information regarding this activity can be found here:

If everything goes fine, we are soon going to deprecate the following modules in WMCore:

  • PSetTweaks.WMTweak
  • WMCore.Cache.WMConfigCache
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