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PhEDEx to Rucio Transition

Seangchan Ryu edited this page Sep 12, 2018 · 9 revisions

PhEDEx apis used by Agent

In WMAgent we are using PhEDEx REST apis. Most of the API is wrapped in PhEDEx python wrapper

Read operation (GET)

  1. Translate lfn to pfn: lfn2pfn: Parameters in use: (node, lfn, protocol='srmv2', custodial='n')

    API in detail (used in WMStats)

  2. Get block locations: blockreplicas: Parameters in use for location info for block: (block, complete='y') Parameters in use for location info for dataset: (dataset, complete='y')

    API in detail

  3. Get subscriptions for block and dataset: subscriptions: Parameters in use: (dataset, node) Parameters in use: (dataset, group) - Unified Parameters in use for location, deletion: (block)

    API in detail

  4. Get node mapping (find node type - butter, disk, etc): nodes: Parameters in use: None

    API in detail

  5. Find files already injected by block: data: Parameters in use: (block)

    API in detail

  6. Checks existing subscription requests: requestlist: Parameters in use: (dataset, node, decision = 'pending')

    API in detail

  7. Checks existing subscription requests and compare them in detail: transferrequests: Parameters in use: request

    API in detail

Write operation (POST)

  1. Inject blocks in TMDB (and close blocks): inject: Parameters in use: (node, data, strict)

    API detail

  2. Make and approve a transfer request: subscribe Parameters in use: (node, data, level, priority, move, static, custodial, group, request_only)

    API in detail

  3. delete data: delete: Parameters in use: (node, data, level, rm_subscriptions, comments)

    API in detail (used in Tier0)

  4. Use for auto approving delete request: updaterequest: (used in Tier0) Parameters in use: (node, request, decision)

    API in detail

Corresponding Rucio call

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