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Dem Pilafian edited this page Apr 14, 2018 · 30 revisions

v1.3.8 β€” April 15, 2018

  • Support for multiple unwrapped templates (issue #61)

v1.3.7 β€” March 20, 2018

v1.3.6 β€” March 13, 2018

v1.3.5 β€” March 6, 2018

v1.3.4 β€” November 22, 2017

v1.3.3 β€” October 22, 2017

  • data-input attribute support for input event callbacks
  • getParams() renamed to more descriptive getUrlParams()

v1.3.2 β€” October 14, 2017

  • Option to control delay for smooth height animation

v1.3.1 β€” October 11, 2017

  • clones options to clone data multiple times
  • dna.ui.smoothHeightAnimate() for container animation

v1.3.0 β€” August 25, 2017

  • data-href links now open in same window on iOS

v1.2.9 β€” May 28, 2017

  • Support for transform callback option
  • Auto hide <select> if it contains a template

v1.2.8 β€” April 23, 2017

v1.2.7 β€” April 20, 2017

  • Component element now passed to event callbacks
  • dna.cloneSubTemplate() renamed to dna.cloneSub()

v1.2.6 β€” April 17, 2017

  • Plugin support for sub-cloning
  • More flexible tagging for navigation panels

v1.2.5 β€” April 12, 2017

  • Fix for drop-down panel selector not remembering user's selection

v1.2.4 β€” April 11, 2017

  • Support for drop-down panel navigation (issue #39)

v1.2.3 β€” February 18, 2017

v1.2.2 β€” January 29, 2017

  • Support for Node.js module loading (issue #29): const dna = require('dna.js')(window, $);

v1.2.1 β€” January 18, 2017

v1.2.0 β€” January 1, 2017

  • Dual license simplified to just MIT

v1.1.0 β€” November 25, 2016

v1.0.0 β€” November 3, 2016

v0.4.5 β€” November 2, 2016

v0.4.4 β€” September 3, 2016

v0.4.3 β€” January 15, 2015

v0.4.2 β€” November 12, 2015

  • Live editing for additional form elements
  • Improved support for HTML5 attributes on input elements

v0.4.1 β€” August 31, 2015

  • Support for input tags inside array loops
  • Auto-focus with <input data-on-load=dna.ui.focus>

v0.4.0 β€” August 2, 2015

  • Smart update feature for live editing

v0.3.9 β€” July 31, 2015

  • Placeholder feature (issue #8)
  • Attribute data-href to jump to a url

v0.3.8 β€” March 29, 2015

  • Panels support for tree structure menu items

v0.3.7 β€” March 29, 2015

  • Support for REST loaded templates

v0.3.6 β€” March 24, 2015

  • Panels feature (UI tabs)

v0.3.5 β€” February 17, 2015

  • Transformers!
  • dna.mutate() renamed to dna.refresh()

v0.3.4 β€” February 2, 2015

  • data-setup replaced with data-callback and data-on-load

v0.3.3 β€” December 6, 2014

  • User interaction now live updates data model
  • Fix for error in getModel(clone) when clone not found

v0.3.2 β€” November 16, 2014

  • Support for sibling elements above or below template

v0.3.1 β€” November 2, 2014

  • Support for primitive types in attribute values
  • Support for separators defined with data attributes
  • Option for dna.getClone() to skip sub-clones

v0.3.0 β€” September 24, 2014

  • Shorter data attribute names (data-dna-click β†’ data-click )
  • Support for separators, such as "," and "and"
  • Fix for error when adding a clone to an empty sub-template

v0.2.9 (beta) β€” September 3, 2014

  • Fix for overriding display CSS of span templates

v0.2.8 (beta) β€” September 1, 2014

  • Attribute data-dna-init renamed to data-dna-setup

v0.2.7 (beta) β€” August 28, 2014

  • Functions for data-dna-init added to runInitializers()

v0.2.6 (beta) β€” August 26, 2014

  • Support for jQuery methods in initializers

v0.2.5 (beta) β€” August 24, 2014

  • Fix to not double apply initializers on template before cloning

v0.2.4 (beta) β€” August 21, 2014

  • Support for initialization callback functions

v0.2.3 (beta) β€” August 18, 2014

  • New method dna.cloneSubTemplate() to push onto an array loop
  • Initialization callback feature (data-dna-init=func)
  • Support for events: keyup, keydown, keypress, and enter key
  • Fix to update data model for dna.destroy() of a sub-template (array loop)

v0.2.2 (beta) β€” August 10, 2014

  • Rewrite of processing to replace various classes with a single map
  • Support for using data to set node properties (selected, disabled, checked)

v0.2.1 (beta) β€” July 21, 2014

  • New method dna.mutateAll() to refresh all clones
  • New method dna.bye() to remove clone on click event

v0.2.0 (beta) β€” July 14, 2014

  • New method dna.getModel() to retrieve data for clone
  • Velvety smooth slide fade effect

v0.1.6 (beta) β€” July 7, 2014

  • Support for mutating values in sub-templates (array loops)

v0.1.5 (beta) β€” June 3, 2014

  • Support for simple arrays (arrays of literals)
  • Support numeric and boolean fields

v0.1.4 (beta) β€” February 6, 2014

  • Support for sub-templates (array loops)

v0.1.3 (beta) β€” October 6, 2013

  • More explicit attribute name for adding css classes

v0.1.2 (beta) β€” September 23, 2013

  • Information added for jQuery plugin catalog

v0.1.1 (beta) β€” September 11, 2013

  • Convert to id for template name

v0.1.0 (beta) β€” September 4, 2013

  • Initial beta release
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