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Peter Dziezyk edited this page Jul 28, 2018 · 62 revisions

PD v1.5.0



Virtual keyboard assist; Keyboard program.

PD > input:

A-Z 0-9 Insert Space Tab Right Ctrl: « (SettingBracketKey) Scroll: Repeat (SettingRepeatKey)

Basic examples: (modes)

* Bracket mode with auto backspace: Press Tab in the text box to auto print «», type test-, press right, type Hi!, and press Ctrl + S to save to the list box. After the code is saved to the list box, press Right Ctrl (RCtrl), release, then type test for output: Hi! ⚠ After pressing RCtrl, title bar text will show « symbol. Now type test to run the code. PD > «test (this is your PD > input). Minus sign means auto backspace text between « and - characters. «test-»Hi! * Non bracket mode: Save code below to the list box then type welc somewhere to output ome (SettingCodeLength: 4) welcome«:{left 2}+{left 2}» - RCtrl, W (Bracket mode) «w»elcome«left*2»«shift»«left*2»«-shift» - With white space «w»elcome‹ «left*2» «shift» «left*2» «-shift» › * Bracket mode: Save code below to the list box. Press RCtrl then type t1 to output Goodbye «t1»Goodbye * Open Close Bracket mode scan: Save code below to the list box. Press RCtrl, type pd, then press RCtrl quickly to output: Hello out there in TV land. ⚠ SettingOpenCloseBracketModeScan must be set to True ⚠ Not recommended if SettingBracketKey is set to RCtrlKey but will work if press quickly. (Change SettingBracketKey to something other than a Shift or Ctrl key. ex. F4) «pd-»Hello out there in TV land. * Connect Mode: Save code below to the list box. Press RCtrl then type t2 for output «t2»«t1»«ctrl»a«-ctrl»«'print goodbye and select all» * Administrator mode: pd.exe: Properties > Compatibility > Run this program as an administrator pd.appx: Right click > Run as administrator

Interface commands:

Escape: Stop H + Escape: Toggle visibility X + Escape: Get «xy:» (clipboard) Double click: Toggle (if SettingBackgroundImage has value) Ctrl + Dbl click: Center Scroll Lock: Test selected text, text box text, or repeat ⚠ Scroll lock caution: Unlock loop: Press Scroll Lock again or Escape + Scroll Lock (ex. «v-»🗽)

List box commands:

Delete: Remove item Ctrl + E: Edit Ctrl + X: Cut and copy selected item to clipboard Ctrl + C: Copy Ctrl + V: Add clipboard

Text box commands:

Ctrl + S: Save Ctrl + E: Edit Ctrl + U: Update Ctrl + F: Find Ctrl + Z: Undo Ctrl + Y: Redo Ctrl + Tab: List focus Double click | Tab: Print «» Dbl click if empty: Print PD > input F4: Clear F5: Test selected text or full text Toggle on/off: ' (Single quote, Backspace)

Splitter command:

Right click: Toggle select

«» Code list (output)

«code» Auto complete: Tab, C (First or first and second letter), Tab «'comments» «time» Copy current time to clipboard «Time» Print current time «time:» Replace : with value ex. «time:\» «date» Copy current date to clipboard «Date» Print current date «date:» Replace forward slashes with value ex. «date:-» «:» Sendkeys. Example: «:test+{left 4}» «<<» Print open code bracket (SettingBracketOpen) «>>» Print close bracket «iw»«-iw» Ignore white space («iw + Tab») «ws + Tab» Ignore white space «cb:» Copy clipboard value. ex. «cb:test» «sleep:» Pause program x ms, Esc to stop ex. «sleep:1000» (sleep 1 second) «Sleep:» Pause program x milliseconds «,» Sleep 77ms or «,:» ex. «,:1777» «minute:» Pause program x minutes, Esc to stop «to:» Timeout ex. «to:1000» Timeout 1 second, press Escape to stop «app:» App activate. ex. «app:PD» (15 second offset) Escape to stop «App:» App activate «win»«-win» Auto complete: «w + Tab» «wr + Tab» Run template ex. «win»r«-win»«app:run»cmd«enter» «se + Tab» Open AppData (pd.exe settings) «shift»«-shift» (press shift, release ex. «shift»«up»«-shift» | Auto complete: Tab, S, Tab) «alt»«-alt» «ctrl»«-ctrl» «up» «right» «down» «left» «tab» «space» «enter» «menu» «bs» or «backspace» «esc» or «escape» «home» «end» «pu» page up «pd» page down «insert» «delete» «f1» F1-F12 ex. «f4» «n0» Number Pad 0-9 ex. «n3» «pause» or «break» «ps» or «printscreen» «nl» Number lock «sl» Scroll lock «MediaStop» «MediaPlayPause» «MediaNextTrack» «MediaPreviousTrack» «SelectMedia» «vu» volume up «vd» volume down «vm» volume mute «lb» Left button «rb» Right button «mb» Middle button «lc» Left click «lh» Left hold «lr» Left release «mc» Middle click «mh» Middle hold «mr» Middle release «rc» Right click «rh» Right hold «rr» Right release «rp» Return pointer or «rm» «xy» Get pointer x y ( «xy + Tab» ) ex. «xy:0-0» «x:» Move pointer x ex. «x:100» (right 100px) «y:» Move pointer y ex. «y:-100» «audio:» Play .wav file ex. «audio:C:\Users\..\sound.wav» «Audio:» Play .wav and wait to complete «stop-audio» «yesno:» Verify ex. «yesno:Continue?» «replace:that|this» Edit clipboard value

Master Settings:

Edit user.config to customize: First exit program, open and edit user.config, save, then reopen program pd.exe user.config location: C:\Users\..\AppData\Local\pd\..\1.3\user.config pd.appx user.config location: C:\Users\..\AppData\Local\Packages\pd-_..\LocalCache\Local\pd\pd.exe_Url_..\1.3\user.config Reset: Close program, delete pd folder or user.config, then reopen program


Customize options (modes): SettingBracketModeOnlyScan False (If set to False, `PD > input` will scan both bracket mode: `PD > «good` and non bracket mode: `PD > good`. If set to True, ignore `PD > good` and only scan `PD > «customshortcut`) SettingCodeLength 3 (Adjust this value if using non bracket mode from above `welc` example and would like more input values like `welco` (5) for your shortcut code) SettingOpenCloseBracketModeScan False (If set to True, press BracketKey (RCtrl), type your shortcut «code-», now press BracketKey to scan/run) SettingSendkeysOnlyMode False (If set to True, all bracket codes are ignored after the shortcut. True examples: good{bs 4}Legacy mode. Or: «good»{bs 4}Legacy code here only. No brackets, only sendkeys.) Customize input values: SettingBracketKey (Right Ctrl Key on the keyboard will initiate bracket mode scan: PD > « ) RControlKey (List) SettingRepeatKey Scroll (scroll lock key) SettingInsertSymbol (insert key) į Interface: SettingTitleText <value>PD</value> SettingTitleTip (Show input text in programs title bar: `PD > input`) True SettingBackgroundImage <value>C:\Users\..\..\.jpg</value> (.png, .jpg, .gif, etc.) SettingIcon <value>C:\Users\..\..\.ico</value> SettingClickItemToRun False SettingDarkMode True SettingDarkModeText Lime SettingTopMost False SettingWordWrap True SettingOpacity 0.9 (1 for no opacity) SettingBracketOpen « SettingBracketClose » SettingIgnoreWhiteSpaceOpen ‹ SettingIgnoreWhiteSpaceClose › Frequency: SettingInterval 150 SettingInfiniteLoop False Auto saved values when closed: SettingHeight 268 SettingWidth 300 SettingLocationTop 118 SettingLocationLeft 78 SettingTextBox Text SettingListboxSelectedIndex -1 SettingTabIndex 0 SettingSelectionStart 0 SettingSelectionLength 0 SettingTextBoxZoomFactor 1 SettingListBoxFontSize 8.25 SettingSplitterDistance 95 SettingSplitterWidth (splitter bar thickness) 15
