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Luqman Yasin edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 22 revisions

The Asus C201 is a new, inexpensive, ARM-based chromebook that clocks in at one of the most affordable chromebooks manufactured to date. As of July 2015, the computer costs $169 on, making it an extremely appealing option for those on a very tight budget.

Being an ARM-based machine, it is prone to significantly more hurdles than its Intel-driven counterparts. This article is meant to be a repository for out-of-the-box distribution/target combination testing, to give potential buyers an idea of which environments will work and which ones will not.

Additionally, this can be used as a jumping off point for improvements to the support coverage on ARM based machines.

#x11 Does not find any screens/fbdev not found If running C201 you must run the following commands before running 'enter-chroot startxfce4', every time you run it.
sudo enter-chroot
sudo rm /dev/dri/card0
sudo mv /dev/dri/card1 /dev/dri/card0

I now have debian jessie up and running with no tabs open except crosh. When Jessie is running i have about 1.2 gigs left of RAM. Plenty fast too.

(I did not need to do the above. Running ubuntu trusty with xfce, xiwi.)

Target compatibility


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