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A template project sigv4 secured serverless applications

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A template project for quickly creating serverless applications secured with Signature Version 4 (sigv4). For more information see sbt-sam


Create a new template project:

sbt new dnvriend/sam-sigv4-seed.g8


  • To deploy the project type samDeploy
  • To remove the project type samRemove
  • To remove the project type samInfo


To enable the sigv4 authorization type, the following must be added to sam.conf:

// set the authorizer type
authorizer.type="sigv4" // defaults to cognito

Also, an environment variable has been set in sam.conf. You can set an arbitraty number of environment variables in sam.conf Please note that AWS limits the total size of all environment variables to 4kB.

// set arbitrary lambda environment variables
lambda-env-vars {

Because sam.conf makes use of lightbend config, you can substitute environment variables, please look at the lightbend config for the syntax and usage.


The project consists of three lambdas that define authorization:

import com.github.dnvriend.lambda._
import com.github.dnvriend.lambda.annotation.HttpHandler
import play.api.libs.json._
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Scalaz._

@HttpHandler(path = "/hello", method = "get", authorization = true)
class GETHello extends ApiGatewayHandler {
  override def handle(request: HttpRequest, ctx: SamContext): HttpResponse = {
    HttpResponse.ok.withBody(Json.toJson("Hello world"))

object Person {
  implicit val format: OFormat[Person] = Json.format

case class Person(name: String)

@HttpHandler(path = "/person", method = "put", authorization = true)
class PUTPerson extends JsonApiGatewayHandler[Person] {
  override def handle(value: Option[Person],
                      pathParams: Map[String, String],
                      requestParams: Map[String, String],
                      request: HttpRequest, ctx: SamContext): HttpResponse = {
    val fooEnvironmentVar: Option[String] = sys.env.get("foo")
    (fooEnvironmentVar |@| value) ((_, _))
      .fold(HttpResponse.validationError.withBody(Json.toJson("Could not unmarshal the person"))) {
        case (foo, person) => HttpResponse.ok.withBody(Json.toJsObject(person) ++ Json.obj("method" -> "put", "foo" -> foo))

@HttpHandler(path = "/person", method = "post", authorization = true)
class POSTPerson extends JsonApiGatewayHandler[Person] {
  override def handle(value: Option[Person],
                      pathParams: Map[String, String],
                      requestParams: Map[String, String],
                      request: HttpRequest, ctx: SamContext): HttpResponse = {
    val fooEnvironmentVar: Option[String] = sys.env.get("foo")
    (fooEnvironmentVar |@| value) ((_, _))
      .fold(HttpResponse.validationError.withBody(Json.toJson("Could not unmarshal the person"))) {
        case (foo, person) => HttpResponse.ok.withBody(Json.toJsObject(person) ++ Json.obj("method" -> "post", "foo" -> foo))


There is also a client that makes use of the com.github.dnvriend.http.Sigv4Client to sign the request and invoke the lambda:

import com.github.dnvriend.http.Sigv4Client

import scala.util.Try

object Main extends App {
  Try(Sigv4Client.get("", Map.empty))
      .fold(t => t.printStackTrace(), resp => println(new String(resp.body)))

  Try("Dennis"), "", Map.empty))
    .fold(t => t.printStackTrace(), resp => println(new String(resp.body)))

  Try(Sigv4Client.put(Person("Dennis"), "", Map.empty))
    .fold(t => t.printStackTrace(), resp => println(new String(resp.body)))


A template project sigv4 secured serverless applications






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