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Ronald Record edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 2 revisions


blissify - Analyze and make smart playlists from an MPD music database.




The blissify command can be used to create an MPD playlist of songs based on computed similarity metrics. Blissify is a program used to make playlists of songs that sound alike from your MPD track library, à la Spotify radio.

Under the hood, it is an MPD plugin for bliss.

Blissify needs first to analyze your music library, i.e. compute and store a series of features from your songs, extracting the tempo, timbre, loudness, etc.

After that, it is ready to make playlists: play a song to start from, run blissify playlist 30, and voilà! You have a playlist of 30 songs that sound like your first track.

Note: you need to have MPD installed to use blissify.


-h, --help : Prints help information

-V, --version : Prints version information


help : Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

interactive-playlist : Make a playlist, prompting a set of close songs, and asking which one will be the most appropriate.

list-db : Print songs that have been analyzed and are in blissify's database.

playlist : Erase the current playlist and make playlist of PLAYLIST_LENGTH from the currently played song

rescan : (Re)scan completely an MPD library

update : Scan new songs that were added to the MPD library since last scan.

blissify-playlist : Erase the current playlist and make playlist of PLAYLIST_LENGTH from the currently played song




--album-playlist : Make a playlist of similar albums from the current album.

--deduplicate-songs : Deduplicate songs based both on the title / artist and theirsheer proximity.

-h, --help : Prints help information

--seed-song : Instead of making a playlist of only the closest song to the current song,make a playlist that queues the closest song to the first song, then the closest to the second song, etc. Can take some time to build.

-V, --version : Prints version information


--distance : Choose the distance metric used to make the playlist. Default is 'euclidean',other option is 'cosine' [default: euclidean]


<PLAYLIST_LENGTH> : Number of items to queue, including the first song.


Make a playlist, prompting a set of close songs, and asking which one will be the most appropriate.

blissify interactive-playlist [INTERACTIVE FLAGS] [INTERACTIVE OPTIONS]


--continue : Take the current playlist's last song as a starting point, instead of removing the current playlist and starting from the first song.

-h, --help : Prints help information

-V, --version : Prints version information


--number-choices : Choose the number of proposed items you get each time. Defaults to 3, cannot be more than 9. [default: 3]


Print songs that have been analyzed and are in blissify's database.

blissify list-db [LIST FLAGS]


--detailed : Display analyzed song paths, as well as the corresponding analysis.

-h, --help : Prints help information

-V, --version : Prints version information


All the commands below read the MPD_HOST and MPD_PORT environment variables and try to reach MPD using that. You might want to change it if MPD is listening to somewhere else than (the default).

Analyze a library

To analyze your MPD library, use:

blissify update /path/to/mpd/music_directory

Note that it may take several minutes (up to some hours, on very large libraries with more than for instance 20k songs) to complete.

If something goes wrong during the analysis, and the database enters an unstable state, you can use:

blissify rescan /path/to/mpd/music_directory

to remove the existing database and rescan all files.

If you want to see if the analysis has been successful, or simply want to see the current files in, you can use:

blissify list-db

Make a simple playlist

blissify playlist 100

This will add 100 songs similar to the song that is currently playing on MPD, starting with the closest possible.

Changing the distance metric

To make a playlist with a distance metric different than the default one (euclidean distance), which will yield different playlists, run:

blissify playlist --distance <distance_name> 30

distance_name is currently euclidean and cosine. Don't hesitate to experiment with this parameter if the generated playlists are not to your linking!

Make a "seeded" playlist

Instead of making a playlist with songs that are only similar to the first song, from the most similar to the least similar (the default), you can make a playlist that queues the closest song to the first song, then the closest song the second song, etc, effectively making "path" through the songs.

To try it out (it can take a bit more time to build the playlist):

blissify playlist --seed-song 30

Make an album playlist

You can also make a playlist of album that sound like the current album your listening to (more specifically, the album of the current song you're playling, regardless of whether you queued the full album or not).

To try it out:

blissify playlist --album-playlist 30

Make an interactive playlist

Interactive playlists start from a song, and let you choose which song should be played next among the 3 closest songs (the number of songs displayed is can be set manually):

blissify playlist --interactive-playlist --number-choices 5

By default, it crops the current playlist to just keep the currently played song. If you want to just start from the last song and continue from there, use --continue:

blissify playlist --interactive-playlist --number-choices 5 --continue


Blissify written by @Polochon_street

MusicPlayerPlus integration of Blissify written by Ronald Record


BLISSIFY is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the BLISSIFY source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using BLISSIFY and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.


Submit bug reports online at:


beet(1), mpplus(1)

Full documentation and sources at: