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Ronald Record edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 5 revisions


mpplus - Launch an MPD music player client and spectrum visualizer


mpplus [-A] [-a] [-b] [-B] [-c] [-C client] [-D art|bandcamp|soundcloud] [-d music_directory] [-E] [-e] [-F] [-f] [-G] [-g] [-h] [-I] [-i] [-jJ] [-k] [-K] [-L] [-m] [-n num] [-M alsaconf|enable|disable|restart|start|stop|status] [-N] [-p] [-P script] [-q] [-r] [-R] [-s song] [-S] [-t] [-T on|off] [-u] [-U] [-v viz_comm] [-w|W] [-x query] [-X query] [-y] [-Y] [-z fzmpopt]


The mpplus command acts as a front-end for launching the mpcplus music player client and a spectrum visualizer in various terminal emulators and window placements. It can be used to display these utilities juxtaposed in separate windows or fullscreen overlayed with transparency. Alternately, mpplus can launch any specified MPD client along with a specified spectrum visualizer (mppcava spectrum visualizer is used by default). Command line options also support running the mpplus windows in a tmux session and recording that session using asciinema.

The mpplus command can be used to control the mpd and mpd.socket system services when invoked with the -M action command line option. The Music Player Daemon (MPD) can be started, stopped, enabled, disabled, restarted, and status queried.

The mpplus command can also act as a front-end to the mppsplash and mppsplash-tmux commands when invoked with the -S and -T on command line options.

The mpplus command can be used in conjunction with the Beets music library management system:

  • When invoked as mpplus -D art it will downlad album cover art for all albums in the music library
  • When invoked as mpplus -D bandcamp it will downlad songs from Bandcamp
  • When invoked as mpplus -D soundcloud it will downlad songs from Soundcloud
  • When invoked as mpplus -F it will convert WAV format files in the music library to MP3 format files
  • When invoked as mpplus -G it will convert M4A format files in the music library to MP3 format files
  • When invoked as mpplus -I it will perform a Beets library import of all songs and albums in the music library. If a previous import has been performed it will import any new songs or albums it finds in the music library.
  • When invoked as mpplus -L it will downlad lyrics for all songs in the music library that do not already have lyrics

When invoked with the -i option, mpplus presents a selection menu and operates in interactive mode.

Occasionally a tmux session or asciimatics script will hang. Previously started tmux sessions and asciimatics scripts can be quickly and easily killed by executing the mpplus -K command.


MPCplus/Visualizer options:

-A : Indicates display album cover art (implies tmux session)

-c : Indicates use current terminal emulator / console mode

-C 'client' : Indicates use 'client' MPD client rather than mpcplus

-e : indicates use simple terminal emulator

-E : Indicates do not use gradient colors for spectrum visualizer

-f : Indicates fullscreen display

-g : Indicates use gnome terminal emulator

-h : Indicates half-height for mppcava window (with -f only)

-k : Indicates use kitty terminal emulator

-P script : Specifies the ASCIImatics script to run in visualizer pane

-q : Indicates quarter-height for mppcava window (with -f only)

-r : Indicates use retro terminal emulator

-t : Indicates use tilix terminal emulator

-v 'viz_comm' : Indicates use visualizer 'viz_comm' rather than mppcava

ASCIImatics animation options:

-a : Indicates play audio during ASCIImatics display

-b : Indicates use backup audio during ASCIImatics display

-j : Indicates use Julia Set scenes in ASCIImatics display

-J : Indicates Julia Set with several runs using different parameters

-m : Indicates use MusicPlayerPlus scenes in ASCIImatics display

-n num : Specifies the number of times to cycle ASCIImatics scenes

-N : Indicates use alternate comments in Plasma ASCIImatics scenes

-p : Indicates use Plasma scenes in ASCIImatics display

-s song : Specifies a song to accompany an ASCIImatics animation

-S : Indicates display ASCIImatics splash animation

General options:

-B : Uses Blissify to create audio-based information in a song similarity database for all music library media.

-D art : Indicates download album cover art and exit

-D bandcamp : Indicates download songs from Bandcamp and exit

-D soundcloud : Indicates download songs from Soundcloud and exit

-d 'music_directory' : Specifies the music directory to use for downloaded album cover art (without this option -D will use the MUSIC_DIR setting in ~/.config/mpprc

-F : Indicates convert all WAV format files in the music library to MP3 format files and exit. A subsequent 'mpplus -I' import will be necessary to import these newly converted music files.

-G : Indicates convert all M4A format files in the music library to MP3 format files and exit. A subsequent 'mpplus -I' import will be necessary to import these newly converted music files.

-I : Indicates import albums and songs from 'music_directory' to Beets and exit

-i : Indicates interactive mode with selection menus

-K : Indicates kill MusicPlayerPlus tmux sessions and ASCIImatics scripts

-L : Indicates download lyrics to the Beets library and exit

-M 'enable|disable|start|stop|restart|status' : Enable, disable, start, stop, restart, or get the status of the MPD and MPD socket system services

-R : Indicates record tmux session with asciinema. Asciinema is not installed by MusicPlayerPlus. To record tmux sessions with asciinema, use your system's package manager to install it (e.g. apt install asciinema)

-T 'on|off' : Specifies whether to use a tmux session

-U : Use tmuxp to manage tmux sessions

-w : Indicates write metadata during Beets import

-W : Indicates do not write metadata during Beets import

-x 'query' : Uses AcousticBrainz to retrieve audio-based information for all music library media matching 'query'. A query of 'all' performs the retrieval on the entire music library.

-X 'query' : Performs an analysis and retrieval, using Essentia, of audio-based information for all music library media matching 'query'. A query of 'all' performs the analysis and retrieval on the entire music library.

-Y : Initializes the YAMS scrobbler service

-y : Disables the YAMS scrobbler service

-z opt : Specifies an fzmp option and invokes fzmp to list/search/select MPD media. Valid values for opt are 'a', 'A', 'g', 'p', or 'P'

-u : Displays this usage message and exits


mpplus : Launches mpcplus music player client running in the kitty terminal emulator with mppcava spectrum visualizer running in another kitty window.

mpplus -i : Launches mpplus in interactive mode with menu selections controlling actions rather than command line arguments

mpplus -r : Launches mpcplus music player client running in cool-retro-term terminal emulator with mppcava spectrum visualizer running in a kitty terminal emulator window.

mpplus -C cantata : Launches cantata music player client running in a separate window with mppcava spectrum visualizer running in a kitty terminal emulator window.

mpplus -C cmus : Launches the cmus music player client with mppcava spectrum visualizer running in a kitty terminal emulator window.

mpplus -C mcg : Launches the CoverGrid music player client (mcg) running in a separate window with mppcava spectrum visualizer running in a kitty terminal emulator window.

mpplus -f -q -t : Launches mpcplus music player client in fullscreen mode with mppcava spectrum visualizer in quarter-screen mode, both running in a tilix terminal emulator window.

mpplus -a -T on : Launches mpcplus music player client and visualizer running in a tmux session displaying album cover art.

mpplus -M stop : Stops the Music Player Daemon service and the associated MPD socket service

mpplus -R -T on : Creates an asciinema recording of mpcplus music player client and visualizer running in a tmux session

mpplus -S -j -a : Launch mppsplash displaying the Julia Set asciimatics animation with audio

mpplus -D art : Download album cover art for any albums in the music library that do not already have cover art

mpplus -D soundcloud : Download favorited songs from Soundcloud

mpplus -I : Import the music library into the Beets library management system

mpplus -I -W : Import the music library into the Beets library management system, do not write metadata

mpplus -L : Download lyrics for any songs in the music library that do not already have lyrics

mpplus -X all : Analyze audio using Essentia and retrieve information for the entire music library

mpplus -x all : Retrieve audio information for the entire music library using AcousticBrainz


Written by Ronald Record


MPPLUS is distributed under an Open Source license. See the file LICENSE in the MPPLUS source distribution for information on terms & conditions for accessing and otherwise using MPPLUS and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.


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mppcava(1), mppsplash(1), mpcplus(1), mpcpluskeys(1)

Full documentation and sources at:

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