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Collection of datasets from the Alone survival TV series

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## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.3.3


A collection of datasets on the Alone survival TV series in tidy format. Included in the package are 4 datasets detailed below.

For non-Rstats users here is the link to the Google sheets doc.


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A data frame of survivalists across all 9 seasons detailing name and demographics, location and profession, result, days lasted, reasons for tapping out (detailed and categorised), page URL.

Dataset features:

  • version: The version country code (currently only US but getting preppred or other versions)
  • season: The season number
  • id: Survivalist unique ID
  • name: Name of the survivalist
  • first_name: First name of the survivalist
  • last_name: last name of the survivalist
  • age: Age of survivalist
  • gender: Gender
  • city: City
  • state: State
  • country: Country
  • result: Place the survivalist finished in the season
  • days_lasted: The number of days lasted in the game before tapping out or winning
  • medically_evacuated: Logical. If the survivalist was medically evacuated from the game
  • reason_tapped_out: The reason the survivalist tapped out of the game. NA means they were the winner
  • reason_category: A simplified category of the reason for tapping out
  • team: The team they were associated with (only for season 4)
  • day_linked_up: Day the team members linked up
  • profession: Profession

df <- expand_grid(
  days_lasted = 0:max(survivalists$days_lasted),
  gender = unique(survivalists$gender)
) |> 
    survivalists |> 
      count(days_lasted, gender),
    by = c("days_lasted", "gender")
  ) |> 
    survivalists |> 
      count(gender, name = "N"),
    by = "gender"
  ) |> 
  group_by(gender) |> 
    n = replace_na(n, 0),
    n_lasted = N-cumsum(n),
    p = n_lasted/N

# Kaplan-Meier survival curves
df |> 
  ggplot(aes(days_lasted, p, colour = gender)) +

# boxplots
survivalists |> 
  ggplot(aes(days_lasted, fill = gender)) +
  geom_boxplot(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_jitter(width = 0.2, pch = 1, size = 3) +


Each survivalist is allowed to take with them 10 items. This dataset includes information on each survivalist’s loadout. It has detailed item descriptions and a simplified version for easier aggregation and analysis.

  • version: Country code for the version of the show
  • season: The season number
  • id: Survivalist unique ID
  • name: Name of the survivalist
  • item_number: Item number
  • item_detailed: Detailed loadout item description
  • item: Loadout item. Simplified for aggregation

loadouts |>
  count(item) |>
  mutate(item = fct_reorder(item, n, max)) |>
  ggplot(aes(item, n)) +
  geom_col() +
  geom_text(aes(item, n + 3, label = n), family = ft, size = 12, colour = txt) +


This dataset contains details of each episode including the title, number of viewers, beginning quote and IMDb rating. New episodes will be added at the end of future seasons.

  • version: Country code for the version of the show
  • season: The season number
  • episode_number_overall: Episode number across seasons
  • episode: Episode number
  • title: Episode title
  • air_date: Date the episode originally aired
  • viewers: Number of viewers in the US (millions)
  • quote: The beginning quote
  • author: Author of the beginning quote
  • imdb_rating: IMDb rating of the episode
  • n_ratings: Number of ratings given for the episode


The season summary dataset includes location, latitude and longitude, and other season level information. It includes the date of drop off where the information exists.

  • version: Country code for the version of the show
  • season: The season number
  • location: Location
  • country: Country
  • n_survivors: Number of survivalists. Season 4 there were 7 teams of 2.
  • lat: Latitude
  • lon: Longitude
  • date_drop_off: Date the survivalists were dropped off

If there is any data you would like to include please get in touch.


  1. History:
  2. Wikipedia:
  3. Wikipedia (episodes):


Collection of datasets from the Alone survival TV series






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