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DogeWatch News

DogeWatch Online for iOS devices is not available. Clicking on a video will display a play button with a line over it. We are looking for the cause and will notify everyone as soon as it is fixed, or more is found.


Welcome to DogeWatch: Watch the future.

Already used DogeWatch? Click here to continue watching the future!

Have no clue what DogeWatch is? Click here to learn more!


Who made DogeWatch?

It's not a company, more like a group. Sadly, the only two people on GitHub working on this are @doggegamingtime (me yay) and @AhoroBuchok.

How long did it take to make DogeWatch?

It's not really finished, but as of writing this we are 1 day in.

What is DogeWatch?

It's a brand-new video streaming service.

What is DogeWatch written in?

DogeWatch is written in DogeCode (programming language), also by me.

Can I upload my own videos, like YouTube?

We are working on that right now!

If I do something wrong, can my account get terminated?

Well, only if you do something really bad.

Does DogeWatch support emojis?


Do you have to be 13+ to use DogeWatch?

No! Anyone, even a 2yr old can use DogeWatch!

Thus meaning that this is a family friendly site. Any video taken down will look like this.

Can I help develop DogeWatch?

Yes! Fill out this form!


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