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Markdown Extension Pack

This extension pack packages some of the most popular (and some of my favorite) Markdown extensions. If you like it, please leave your Rating & Review and share with your friends. If you know any extension that is good for Markdown authoring, just let me know by creating an issue.

Extensions Included

Linting Tool

  • markdownlint

    Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code. Check Rules for more details.

    When you get rule violations (wavy underlined text) in a doc, it support Quick Fix.

    Useful Shortcuts:

    • Windows
      • Ctrl + . : Quick Fix
    • macOS
      • ⌘ + . : Quick Fix

    I use markdownlint to validate my Markdown files. But some of the rules might break your content by accident if you enabled Editor: Format On Save (editor.formatOnSave) setting. Below is my .markdownlint.json file which disabled some rules that I don't need. Especially the MD044 - Proper names should have the correct capitalization might broken some of the Terms in your doc.

      "MD001": false,
      "MD012": false,
      "MD013": false,
      "MD028": false,
      "MD034": false,
      "MD041": false,
      "MD044": false,
      "MD029": {
        "style": "ordered"

Editing Tools

  • Markdown All in One

    Useful Shortcuts:

    • Windows
      • Ctrl + B : Toggle bold
      • Ctrl + I : Toggle italic
      • Alt + S : Toggle strikethrough
      • Alt + C : Check/Uncheck task list item
      • Ctrl + Shift + ] : Toggle heading (uplevel)
      • Ctrl + Shift + [ : Toggle heading (downlevel)
      • Alt + Shift + F : Format Document with a Table formatter
    • macOS
      • Alt + C : Check/Uncheck task list item
      • Cmd + B : Toggle bold
      • Cmd + I : Toggle italic
      • Cmd + Shift + ] : Toggle heading (uplevel)
      • Cmd + Shift + [ : Toggle heading (downlevel)
      • Alt + Shift + F : Format Document with a Table formatter
  • Markdown Paste

    Useful Shortcuts:

    • Ctrl + Alt + V : Simply copy a image to Clipboard then use Ctrl+Alt+V to paste into your doc.

      You can paste not only images, but also any Text, HTML, Rich-Text to Markdown.

  • Excel to Markdown table

    Useful Shortcuts:

    • Shift + Alt + V : Copy a region of Excel Spreadsheet then use Shift+Alt+V to paste into a markdown doc in a table from.
  • CSV to Markdown Table Converter

    Paste CSV to Markdown doc. Select the corresponding text to CSV. Hit F1 and select Convert CSV to Markdown Table command. Done!

Markdown Preview enhancements

Misc. Utilities

  • Gremlins tracker for Visual Studio Code

    Reveals some characters that can be harmful because they are invisible or looking like legitimate ones.

  • Copy Markdown as HTML

    I'll turn markdown into HTML and put it onto Clipboard. No file will be generated. It is very useful that when I writing posts.

  • EditorConfig for VS Code

    You can right-click on any folder in the EXPLORER pane and choose Generate .editorconfig command.

    root = true
    indent_style = space
    indent_size = 4
    end_of_line = crlf
    charset = utf-8
    trim_trailing_whitespace = true
    insert_final_newline = false
    indent_size = 2

Customizable Shortcuts

  1. Insert Snippet (editor.action.insertSnippet)

    Ctrl + K : Insert Link on selected text

    Your can just paste link from clipboard on selected text if you installed Markdown All in One extension which is already included in this extension pack.

  2. Snippets for Markdown (editor.action.triggerSuggest)

    Ctrl + Space : Trigger suggest

  3. Markdown: Open Preview (markdown.showPreview)

    I'll remove the built-in Ctrl + Shift + V for this command. There is another shortcut registered below:

    Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P : Open Preview

  4. Markdown: Open Preview to the side (markdown.extension.togglePreview)

    The default Ctrl + K V will not available if your installed Markdown All in One. So you have to customize the built-in Keyboard Shortcuts to Ctrl + Shift + V.

    Ctrl + Shift + V : Open Preview to the side (The 2nd editor)

    You can hit the same hotkey to close the Preview.

Extensions NOT Included but might be useful

You need to install the following extensions manually if you need:

Code Snippets

Prefix Description
``` fenced code blocks
details Use <details> element in Markdown

Useful links
