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LeagueAPI: Extensions

Daniel Dolejška edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Version v3.0.0-rc.1

Using extensions for ApiObjects is useful tool, allowing implementation of your own methods into the ApiObjects itself. Extensions are enabled by using settings option LeagueAPI::SET_EXTENSIONS when initializing the library.

Any extending class must implement Objects\IApiObjectExtension. Only class names are provided, no instances required. Extension will be initialized (instantiated) when object is being initialized.

Library initialization

This specific example no longer works, but Extensions feature still works the same way...

use RiotAPI\LeagueAPI\LeagueAPI;
use RiotAPI\LeagueAPI\Objects;
use RiotAPI\LeagueAPI\Extensions;

$api = new LeagueAPI([
	// ...
		Objects\MasteryPagesDto::class => Extensions\MasteryPagesDtoExtension::class,
	// ...

And from now on, on any MasteryPagesDto object returned to you by the API, you can use methods declared in your extension class. Just like this:

$masteryPages = $api->getMasteriesBySummoner(30904166);

if ($masteryPages->pageExists('MasterPageName'))
	echo "Mastery page exists.";
if ($page = $masteryPages->getPageByName('MasterPageName'))
	echo $page->id;
	echo $page->name;

On initialization the extension class is provided with Objects\IApiObject reference (in example case above it would be Objects\MasteryPagesDto) and LeagueAPI instance reference.