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Webhook Domapic Module

Domapic Module for triggering a webhook.

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This package starts a Domapic Module that with ability called "webhook" that make a request to a certain url.

It can be used alone, but also can be connected to a Domapic Controller to get the most out of it.


npm i webhook-domapic-module -g

Start the server

domapic-webhook start --url= --method=POST --save

The server will be started in background using pm2.

To display logs, type:

domapic-webhook logs #--lines=300


The module, apart of all common domapic services options, provides custom options for configuring the webhook:

  • url - Url of the webhook to be triggered.
  • method - HTTP method to use when requesting the webhook url. Can be GET or POST

Connection with Domapic Controller

Connect the module with a Domapic Controller providing the Controller url and connection token (you'll find it the Controller logs when it is started):

domapic-webhook start --controller= --controllerApiKey=fo--controller-api-key

Now, the module can be controlled through the Controller interface, or installed plugins.

Stand alone usage

Domapic modules are intended to be used through Domapic Controller, but can be used as an stand-alone service as well. Follow next instructions to use the built-in api by your own:

Rest API

When the server is started, you can browse to the provided Swagger interface to get all the info about the api resources. Apart of all api methods common to all Domapic Services, the server provides one Domapic Ability for triggering the webhook, which generates one extra API resource:

  • /api/abilities/webhook/action - Trigger the webhook. Will return a 502 status code when webhook service fails.


The server includes the Domapic Services authentication method, which is disabled by default for You can disable the authentication using the --authDisabled option (not recommended if your server is being exposed to the Internet). Read more about available options in the domapic services documentation.

If you want to authenticate when requesting from another IPs, look for the api key automatically generated and intended to be used by Domapic Controller when the server is started. You'll find it in the server logs:

Try adding connection from Controller, using the next service Api Key: HMl6GHWr7foowxM40CB6tQPuXt3zc7zE

To make your own requests to the api, provide this token using the X-Api-Key header.

Use the mentioned api key also for authenticating when using the Swagger interface.

Alternative command line methods

Not global installation

If the package is not installed globally, you can replace the domapic-webhook command in examples above by npm run domapic-webhook -- (commands must be executed inside the package folder in that case)

Not background mode

If you don't want to use the built-in background runner, you can start the server directly, attaching logs to current stdout. Move to the package folder and replace the domapic-webhook command of examples above by node server.js. Press CTRL+C to stop the server.