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Jakub edited this page Jan 12, 2014 · 5 revisions

A CodeIgniter 2.x package that leverages web technologies like OpenID and OAuth to create a user-friendly authentication experience. It gives you the CRUD to get working right away without much fuss! A3M (Account Authentication & Authorization) is a framework designed for developing web apps without all that tiresome login / logout / admin stuff that is always required. We've included the Twitter Bootstrap UI framework so you can be up and running with a base UI.

Key Features & Design Goals

  • Native Sign Up, Sign In with 'Remember me' and Sign Out
  • Native account Forgot Password and Reset Password
  • Facebook/Twitter/Google/Yahoo/OpenID Sign Up, Sign In and Sign Out
  • Manage Account Details, Profile Details and Linked Accounts
  • reCAPTCHA Support, SSL Support, Language Files Support
  • Gravatar support for picture selection (via account profile) (NEW)
  • Create a painless user experience for sign up and sign in
  • Create code that is easily understood and re-purposed
  • Utilize Twitter Bootstrap (a fantastic CSS / JS library)
  • Graceful degradation of JavaScript and CSS
  • Proper usage of CodeIgniter's libraries, helpers and plugins
  • Easily Configurable via config file

3rd Party Libraries & Plugins


  • CURL
  • DOM or domxml
  • GMP or Bcmatch

Installation & Configuration

Framework Documentation