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Those are some unicode animations, donut2.c is for Windows and donut.c is for Linux, they are not the same (and not completely my work)

When compiling the c files use the -lm flag

The cpp file is for Windows, after compiling (g++ doublePendulum.cpp -o main) use it like so:

rem To simply see one double pendulum
rem To see n double pendulums
main n

The python file is compatible with python3 and python2 but you have to maximize to terminal when running it.

If you get _curses.error: addwstr() returned ERR try decreasing the font size.

To create the badapple.txt for I used this script:

try: from PIL.Image import open
except: from Image import open
from sys import stdout
from cv2 import VideoCapture, imwrite, resize
th = 127
def I2T(File):
	im = open(File)
	(w, h) = im.size
	mim = im.convert("1")
	data = list(mim.getdata())
	counter = 0
	field = True
	for pixel in data:
		if field:
			if pixel > th: stdout.write("*")
			else: stdout.write(" ")
		counter = counter + 1
		if counter >= w:
			counter = 0
			if field: stdout.write("\n")
			field = not field
vidcap = VideoCapture('./video.mp4') # This is the video shown
success, image =
while success:
	imwrite(".jpg", resize(image, (144, 108), interpolation = 3))
	success, image =

(You need to pip3 install opencv-python Pillow in order to do that)

(on Linux you may need to run sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y to use opencv)

I used this script like so:

python3 > badapple.txt