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RSSI Reading

Dariusz Seweryn edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 1 revision

RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) is a value that can be retrieved to guess how far a particular device is from the central. It is possible to retrieve this value by calling:

device.readRSSI(transactionId: ?TransactionId): Promise<Device>


  deviceIdentifier: DeviceId,
  transactionId: ?TransactionId
): Promise<Device>
  • deviceIdentifier: DeviceId—is obtained from
  • transactionId: TransactionId—optional TransactionId which can be used in bleManager.cancelTransaction() function

The promise resolves when an updated RSSI value is available in device.rssi


  • RSSI value is not precise at any measure. The readings will drift depending on many factors like:
    • Medium quality (humidity, etc.) or obstacles that are in between
    • Mutual position of central/peripheral—most devices have antennas that are directional and depending on the direction the reading may drift