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Mark van Straten edited this page Aug 18, 2014 · 4 revisions
dotless Compiler
		Compiles .less files to css files.

Usage: dotless.Compiler.exe [-switches] <inputfile> [outputfile]
				-m --minify - Output CSS will be compressed
				-k --keep-first-comment - Keeps the first comment begninning /** when minified
				-d --debug  - Print helpful debug comments in output (not compatible with -m)
				-w --watch  - Watches .less file for changes
				-h --help   - Displays this dialog
				-r --disable-url-rewriting - Disables changing urls in imported files
				-a --import-all-less - treats every import as less even if ending in .css
				-c --inline-css - Inlines CSS file imports into the output
				-v --disable-variable-redefines - Makes variables behave more like less.js, so the last variable definition is used
				-x --disable-color-compression - Disable hexadecimal color compression
				-DKey=Value - prefixes variable to the less
				-l --listplugins - Lists the plugins available and options
				-p: --plugin:pluginName[:option=value[,option=value...]] - adds the named plugin to dotless with the supplied options
		inputfile: .less file dotless should compile to CSS
		outputfile: (optional) desired filename for .css output
				 Defaults to inputfile.css

		dotless.Compiler.exe -m -w "-p:Rtl:forceRtlTransform=true,onlyReversePrefixedRules=true"
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